Fundamentals | Page 22 | Girls Chase


The basic building blocks of being attractive and getting results with women that every aspiring ladies' man should get down cold.

Elite Eye Contact

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Every guy new to the social arts works on his eye contact. He practices holding eye contact, maintaining it even in the face of social pressure from others who continue to hold eye contact back. He learns the importance of maintaining eye contact while speaking with and listening to others. He learns not to shift his eyes around from eye to eye while looking at someone else.

Goal Setting

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By: Chase Amante

Goal setting is one of those things that isn’t a tactic, isn’t a technique, and isn’t a methodology, per se, for getting girls or having relationships. It isn’t a cool new trick a guy can go out and employ and net himself a cute, sexy new companion right away, or a means of making the girls he has right now swoon all the harder.

What goal setting is, rather, is a way of getting yourself results in both the short- and the long-term that you likely wouldn’t have gotten anywhere near as quickly without setting goals.

Smile Warmly, Smile Sexy

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By: Chase Amante

Really quick quiz: what’s the most powerful tool of seduction in your arsenal? What’s the one thing you have that, when used properly, can turn an ice queen into a kitten and make even the strongest women become bubbly little girls?

    Is it your sense of style?

    Your suave demeanor?

    Perhaps your silver tongue?

Those things all are great, but there’s one thing you can use to greater effect than quite possibly all of them combined. Want to guess what it is?

It’s your smile.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying:

The Importance of Purpose

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Some years and an entirely other identity ago, I was a rap artist. It’s not something I talk about a whole lot these days, because the person I am today is completely different from the person I was then and anyone I meet today has a difficult time imagining me in that light.

The Law of Least Effort

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law of least effortI’ve been mentioning it for a while on here, but a friend pointed out to me recently that I have yet to actually flesh out something I’ve been referring to as the Law of Effort; henceforth referred to as the Law of Least Effort for reasons of clarity.

When I say the Law of Least Effort, what I’m referring to is a very simple, but very universal and little-understood, social rule common to all forms of socializing (not limited to courtship and seduction by any means, though certainly of substantial importance there as well, perhaps especially so). Basically, that the person who appears to put the least amount of effort out, while getting the largest amount of effort returned to him by others, comes across as the most socially powerful.

Note the italics around the word “appears” in that bolded section of the second paragraph. We aren’t necessarily talking about the person who is actually, literallytrying the least, but rather the person who is able to accomplish the most with the appearance of putting in the least amount of work.

How to Get Perfect "10" Girls

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Ever fumble it up with a beautiful girl? You set one eye on her and instantly were dumbstruck, or thunderstruck – or hey, you gave it a shot and just plain struck out? It’s unbelievably common. Most men are unsure how to act around a girl they consider to be really, really valuable.

Right off the bat, there are two problems there: the first is that the guy is unsure how to act. If you’ve been reading our articles here, you should have a good idea of how to act, for sure; but we’ll do a quick refresher here for convenience’s sake.


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stillnessWhen I was in high school, I focused really hard on being very still and moving slowly. I thought it made me seem more dominant and powerful, so I put a lot of energy into mastering it.

Nowadays, paying more attention when I'm out and hanging with girls, I'm realizing this is a big thing, nonverbally. Women are very attuned to how still you are. Being still radiates power.

Randomness and Success

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randomness and successI'm almost finished reading a great book, called The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives, by Leonard Mlodinow. Its premise is that all these things we attribute to skill are, most often, due to sheer luck.

Do These Things Right and Be Insanely Attractive

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By: Chase Amante

Lately I’ve been thinking that getting girls is a lot easier than it used to seem.  There are only a few things you really have to do to be very, very attractive to women and stand out among other men.  Here’s what I currently think those things are.

insanely attractive