Fundamentals | Page 5 | Girls Chase


The basic building blocks of being attractive and getting results with women that every aspiring ladies' man should get down cold.

How to Attract Women (the Same Way Women Attract Men)

Chase Amante's picture
how to attract women

A few hours ago as I walked down a city street, a woman stepped out in front of me.

Her face and body were ordinary. But she triggered an involuntary response in me. My heart rate quickened. I felt excitement. I wanted to talk to this girl, and meet her.

I didn't talk to her. She finished crossing the sidewalk and entered the car waiting for her, with someone I guessed was a boyfriend.

And, truth be told, she wasn't really my type. Like I said, pretty average face and body.

Had I met her somewhere else though, I'd have likely talked to her and, if she bit, pursued her. Her walk was quick, confident, sexy. Her hair was a clear bottle blonde, and she'd clearly used a curler to add some wave. Her nose was too big, but her eyelashes were long and luxurious, and her lips were bright red, so I didn't stay focused on her nose long.

Her breasts were pert; though I've been with girls with breasts like hers where you take the girl's clothes off and discover those breasts are 90% bra. Her stomach was flat and her legs looked strong, so that was real, though there wasn't much to her butt. Even still, in her form-fitting yoga clothes, she looked good.

I passed through the perfume wake she trailed behind her as I continued my way down the street, and when I inhaled her sent my pulse quickened a second time.

And I thought to myself "That girl is far more ordinary, in her face and body, than plenty of more beautiful women I've seen already today. Yet, she excited me in a way none of those girls did."

What worked for her will work for you as well.

Because the secret of how to attract women is the same for men as what women use to have that effect on men.

And just like women like that can attract you and me with certain irresistible attraction signals (even if we know how they're doing it), you and I can do the same to women, too.

Social Acceptability and Sexual Acceptability in Dating

Chase Amante's picture
social and sexual acceptability
The more acceptable a match a woman thinks you are for her, the better your odds with her are. Here's what you must do for her to mark you 'acceptable'.

Since I started this website, we've always stressed the importance of fundamentals. Fundamentals range from your posture, facial expressions, and voice, to how you walk and move, your hairstyle, your facial hair, your clothes, your fitness, and physique. Also included: social fundamentals like sprezzatura, and how well you stick to the Law of Least Effort. All are great, and you will do better with women the better you get on each. But why are they important?

Fundamentals help so much because they make you more attractive. Get your fundamentals good enough, and you can even overcome your disadvantages. Girl doesn't usually like men of your height, weight, race, job type? Get your fundamentals good enough, and it becomes "Wow, you're not like the other [whatever you are]!" Why would this be, though? How do fundamentals overcome deep-seated biases in partner choice?

The way fundamentals do this is by raising either (or both of) your social acceptability or your sexual acceptability. Acceptability is a topic Alek's been discussing in his "Female State Control" series, under the name of 'social frame'. I want to unpack this concept more here, and look at a few of the different ways 'acceptability' can go. Because not all sorts of acceptability are created equal.

The Worst Battlegrounds for Getting Good with Women

Alek Rolstad's picture

getting good with women
Some dating methods are terrible for guys learning to attract the women they desire. If you’re learning game, do NOT focus on these battlegrounds.

I have noticed that many men are shooting themselves in the foot and purposely selecting battles and battlefields that are not beneficial for them when it comes to dating.

For example, when guys want to get laid, many will use:

With the right strategies and skills, you can find success is all those battlegrounds, but to be honest, all are relatively crappy compared to others available, especially for beginners.

Picking poor battlefields as the selected method for dating is also counter-intuitive – making this not only more difficult for themselves but also limiting their results and making the process much more frustrating.

This post is partly meant to express some frustration I’m experiencing and answer many commonly asked questions. This post will hopefully clarify my thoughts on simplifying the process of getting laid and finding girlfriends, and help guys make the best use of their time and energy.

Let’s get right to it.

10 Most Common Reasons Guys Can't Get Laid

Tony Depp's picture

can't get laid
The reasons a guy can’t get laid may be simple, but more often it’s not so intuitive. Here are the usual suspects, some of which you may have never considered.

“Why Can’t I Get Laid?”

After many years of teaching pickup, I can narrow down the reasons why so many guys can’t get laid.

This article may help you self-diagnose some of your inner and outer game issues if you’re stuck in a vicious cycle of no sex. These tips will help you break free and score some lovin’ again – or for the first time.

So here are the top 10 factors I see in guys who just can’t get laid.

How Physical and Mental Health Impact Your Dating Life

Darwin Niwrad's picture

health is attractive to women
Do looks matter? Yes! One reason for this is because women know that a healthy man – in body and mind – equates to better sex and a more fulfilling relationship.

As part of mastering the art of picking up women, you must master yourself. Taking care of yourself should be a high priority. The mind, body, and soul are the trinity that completes a person. When these three are in alignment, the results can be extraordinary depending on what your aim is. If you’re reading Girls Chase, your aim is probably to attract women.

You’re the one venturing through life, taking in experiences and grooming yourself into the man you want to be. When thinking about your life and health, it’s not only you who notices the improvements and changes. Women pay close attention to your lifestyle as well, because the decisions you make are a vote for who you will be in the future. Your life choices showcase your dominant and attractive qualities.

Really, combining health and life habits kill two birds with one stone. By taking care of yourself and your wellbeing, you are meticulously molding and crafting yourself for the better, which helps attract the women you desire. In a sense, this is a modicum of the Law of Attraction, right?

8 Ways Men Over-Game Women in Pickup

Tony Depp's picture

over-gaming women
Guys who do pickup and seduction often over-game women; she’s ready to smash, but they keep spitting game. Here are some tips to avoid falling into that trap.

Are you making success with women more complicated than it needs to be?

Most likely you are. I know – because been there, done that.

In seduction, true beauty is found by taking something rough, disorganized, and raw, then whittling it down into its most pure, functional form. You strip away the excess until all that’s left are results. Or, at least, a sharpened tool, or polished art form.

That’s the idea anyway.

Back when I was a noob, there was this cute barista I wanted to bang. I didn’t realize at the time that I could have had her simply by saying “Hey, what are you up to tonight?” Instead, I’d go in there, order a coffee and practice my game on her.

I’d use push-pull, making fun of the way she wiggled her nose when she talked, or how her lips curled upwards when she was annoyed. I’d show her new gambits, like palm reading, or the horsey flowers routine. I’d do everything except pull the trigger and ask her out.

One day she’d had enough. In the middle of one of my jokes, she said, “Tony, why don’t you just get real with me?”

“Just get real.” Uggh. She was right. I’d been over-gaming. Trying way too hard. Practicing rather than seducing.

Taking something incredibly complex and skill-based seems as if it’s natural, easy – even effortless, as if you were born gifted. That’s the law of Sprezzatura. But to get to Sprezzatura, you’ll have to earn it.

It’s the process of earning your skill that leads you through the land of try-hard, where over-gaming rules the experience.

Rather than focusing on hundreds of theories and tactics, focus on maximizing your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses. Simplify your game.

How to Attract Women Whether You’re Good Looking or Not

Alek Rolstad's picture

Attract Women Whether You’re Good Looking or Not
Looks are important, but even stunners can be unattractive at times. Here are the variables that, if properly addressed, can make practically anyone attractive to women.

Hey, guys.

Last week I shared a post about how “attractive guys” can pick up girls by maximizing the positive effects of their strengths while minimizing the negative effects of their weaknesses.

Today’s post is a follow-up for those guys who may not be considered attractive. However, you are not that worse off. The way you look is not the only factor that determines attractiveness and unattractiveness.

Many factors that define a man’s attractiveness are not static. This means that a good-looking, hot guy, or a high-value guy may at some point be very attractive, only to fade into a huge loser depending on the circumstances (we will get into that). This post is also for guys who are good-looking and perhaps have high social value – because any guy can go from being super hot to unattractive. I will get into why that is, but the quick answer is that hot guys also have down times when their mojo is low.

Because these variables are fluid, there is room for all guys to become more attractive. Let’s discuss these variables first.

How to Smooth Talk like a Pro

Hector Castillo's picture

How to Smooth Talk like a Pro
The gift of gab can be learned, but it involves more than just words. True smooth talkers master a range of elements that culminate in a complete performance.

Smooth talkers have a deep understanding of what makes a great conversation.

A conversation’s “smoothness” is defined by how it handles transitions – how it moves from one topic to another or goes deeper into a particular topic. It is also defined by how the conversation’s errors are handled (e.g., awkward points, miscommunications, etc.).

The fewer “errors” in a conversation, and the better those errors are handled, the more smooth a conversation will feel. But transitions must also lead somewhere – a conversation can be smooth but boring, and that’s not worth much.

Thus there should be good emotions involved. A conversation shouldn’t only be smooth and fun, but also enriching.

You want the other person – or people – to walk away having learned something, felt a great connection with you, and gained more respect for your character.

What’s difficult to teach about conversation, of course, is the details.

“What do I say?”

If you expect me to tell you what to say, you’ll be disappointed. What to talk about depends on the environment, the context, the people. The occasional anecdote can be great if the context is right for it. But going in with pre-fabricated conversations can backfire, because a good conversation is dynamic. Conversations are note speeches.

What matters most is being able to start a conversation, then keep it going no matter where it goes. Context is everything with a conversation. The ability to make the conversation interesting depends on your familiarity with the context, whatever it may be.

There is one secret that I learned to developing good conversational skills, but it is not in and of itself the answer, only a force that propels you. At the end of this article, I will reveal it, but in order to utilize it, you’ve got to know the basics.

So, to start, I will teach you a system to learn how to smooth talk like a pro. If followed properly, people will seek out your company, because they know the value and the positive motions that will follow in the wake of your presence.

Let’s get to it.

Can You Still Get Dates on Tinder, or Has It Jumped the Shark?

Hector Castillo's picture

Can You Still Get Dates on Tinder
Guys who once saw great success on Tinder are now getting frustrated with it. Fact is, it’s still the best hook-up app; you just need to know how to compete.

When something is new, it’s often much easier to find success with it. And that is definitely the case with Tinder. But despite its maturity, Tinder remains the best app for getting quick dates and hooking up with scaldingly hot women. Simply put, the environment has evolved. There’s plenty of gorgeous women to be found on there, as always, but getting them on dates and into bed isn’t as easy as it used to be. This article aims to teach you how to take full advantage of the app.

When the internet first dawned, it was easy to get noticed and get big. You just had to get on there and put out lots of content or put something out that turned into a viral hit. For example, these days, ranking in SEO (search engine optimization) is hard because, unlike before, everyone is aware of it and has incorporated the idea into their strategy, so competition has boomed.

I mean, it’s the internet, right? But it wasn’t always this way. There were many (foolish) people who initially thought the internet wasn’t a big deal. They stuck to print and television for advertising. As a result, businesses who once ruled the world went bankrupt and were replaced by others that were willing to adapt.

When MySpace took over Friendster as the premier social media platform, we saw the birth of the social media market as we know it today, now having gone through many iterations of failing to adapt and getting dominated by others with more vision.

If you had gotten on there early, used it to build your brand, and eventually adapted to the emerging successors (Twitter, then Facebook, and now Instagram), you could leverage your reach for business and connections – and pussy.

By now, you could have millions of followers, or gobs of cash, even if you weren’t selling anything or particularly entertaining. Don’t you wish you bought a few hundred Bitcoins when they were 10 cents per?

Getting in early can be a very big advantage.


Because no one knows what the hell they’re doing when something is new. And if you’re clever, you can dominate.

Sure, you might understand the principles of marketing and sales, but adapting to the new medium proves difficult.

Experts and multi-million-dollar companies can be annihilated by some random guy with a cellphone who adapts better to the market.

Tinder is no different.

There are some more details that I will flesh out in this article, but the fundamental problem with Tinder is not Tinder itself. It’s that:

But all is not lost. So let’s cover these two barriers – and what you can do about them.

Do You Need Good Looks to Get Laid?

Alek Rolstad's picture

Do You Need Good Looks to Get Laid?
Do looks matter when attracting women? Sure, they help, but there are other, much more important factors when it comes to getting laid.

Hey, guys. Today, I would like to bang an old drum – discussing the matter of looks and how it plays into seduction. This is a subject we have discussed to death, but I would like to offer another perspective, or at least broach the subject from a different point of view.

There have been multiple views regarding looks. For example, I’m not tall, and I happen to live in northern Europe, where most guys are very tall. That makes me small compared to most guys. But here’s a funny thing about height – it was never a problem for me to be shorter than most of my fellow countrymen.

When I started learning pickup, I never had to read all the ranting about height and meeting women. I started at 15, so my brain was less polluted by limiting beliefs than most guys. I went out meeting girls and never once has my height been an issue.

I never really thought about it until I started seeing the subject discussed over and over again on forums. Luckily, by this point, my experience had proved to me that it’s not an issue that affects my success. Would it be nice to be taller? Sure. Would it have a positive impact on me? Maybe.

But nobody is perfect, and I won't get taller, but I am now closing in on 27. I still have all my hair, and my hair is very beautiful. I do take good care of it, though. I also have a cute baby face, compensated for by masculine facial hair. According to many women, my eyes are dark and intriguing, yet I never heard a single girl telling me this before I entered the world of seduction.

I am also far from being ripped muscle-wise. Before 2016, I was a bit overweight. People who know me well call it the “fatty” period of my pickup career. I’m still not ripped, and never has that been an issue for me. I have the same success today that I did back when I was a little bigger.

Now, there are many aspects of looks, so let’s start by debunking a common saying we see a lot in the pickup community.