You may think you only like girls of this personality, that look,
or this background. Yet to truly know women, you must experience them
in all their variety.
Hey, guys. I hope you enjoyed my latest series on calibration. This post is not about calibration per se, but the advice shared in this post will benefit your calibration as well as provide a lot of other benefits.
This post is more a reflection on life choices in regards to women, and how those choices can affect your future. I’ll cover why I believe meeting a huge diversity of women is beneficial to you. And we’ll tackle some biases men tend to have with women, why biases can be detrimental, and how to overcome them. Additionally, we will discuss the benefits of meeting a large variety of women, some of which include:
Rewiring triggers so you can enjoy new women (sometimes even better women)
Becoming more calibrated and skilled as a seducer
Removing biases caused by observations made from an unrepresentative selection of women