Hi everyone, hope you are doing well. If you haven’t seen many posts from me lately, it is not because I have been busy, but more that we have had a lot of article submissions from both new and old writers, which in itself should be good news for you.
The topic of today is social momentum.

Social momentum is a mental state (hence also the reason many people in the seduction community refers to this as “state” – “being in state”) where you feel in a social mood where you don’t only feel like socializing with people, but also manage to do so smoothly.
When approaching strangers, you will feel like your openings are smooth as butter – the reactions you will be getting from your approaches will most of the time be positive, and if that is not the case, you won’t bother about it and move on to the next girl/group. When you have social momentum, not only will you feel a boost of energy, but you will feel very social and stop fearing rejections.
So there are a few nice benefits of social momentum:
You won’t fear rejections, so you will approach much more
Due to your higher level of initial confidence, your approaches will tend to be smoother and your success rate will be higher
You will have more fun, obviously
Compared to many other theories in pick-up and seduction, with this one there is a consensus that social momentum is a powerful factor. Everybody agrees that once you build enough social momentum, picking up women becomes much easier and smoother. You just feel on fire – you are the god of the night and nothing can stop you. We will discuss in this post how you can reach it.
However, where the opinion differs is our attitude toward it –
should we depend on it or not? Should we give up and go home if we
haven’t built social momentum? If not, what can we do if we don’t feel
in the mood to socialize? All these questions and more will
be answered
in this post.