Okay, so last time I introduced the topic of dance floor seduction, and I also shared some facts and cleared up some common myths surrounding the topic.
Today we will discuss the phase that takes place before you even open. Next time we will cover opening.
As we do not have the ability to use conversation much on the dance floor, we will simply not have the ability to do damage control in case we don’t get the desired response from a girl. Secondly, we will have a limited ability to convey our amazing personality. In other words, we will have fewer tools to help ensure a smooth approach.

So in a way, it becomes a numbers game – if you approach enough girls, you will most likely find a receptive one. However, in this post (in addition to learning how to approach properly on the dance floor, which we will cover next week) it is also key to spot the receptive girls on the dance floor – not every girl is going to be receptive, and many might simply be seeking attention.
But other factors also play in, most prominently: your vibe and your mood. From our last post, we mentioned that some basic seduction knowledge applies here – you will need your basics in check in order to successfully approach on the dance floor. Some of the basics that are key in dance floor seduction are:
Your body language (posture, how you walk, how you communicate with your body)
Some basic pick-up skills and a bare minimum degree of confidence
I will not discuss these any further, as this series of posts will focus on dance floor game in particular. But if you need more information on any of those topics, you will find a lot of great in-depth posts about them on the site and also in Chase’s eBook.
However, your state of mind also plays a role.