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Tactics Tuesdays: Attraction Stories

Chase Amante's picture
attraction story
Need to show off a few attractive qualities to a girl who's curious but not hooked? The attraction story is your great and useful friend for this.

An attraction story is a story you tell that makes women listening feel more interested in, excited about, and comfortable toward you.

It does so by showing a girl attractive qualities about the ways you think, act, and live your life, via the story you tell. These same qualities that entrance women also make other men view you as cooler, higher status, and more dominant... so attraction stories really work to make everyone like you more. In the old seduction community they used to be known as a 'display of higher value' (DHV).

Here's an example of a quick attraction story:

So a few weeks ago I was at this bar in another country I was in for a marketing conference. And you know when I go to these things I always go to the lectures to hear what people are doing right now in marketing. I never go to the networking part. I used to do it but I never got anything worthwhile out of it, just got a bunch of business cards I'll never use.

So I went out to a bar on my own and honestly it's a lot more fun than hanging out with a bunch of business people trying to trade business cards who are either bored to meet you or treat you like a piece of meat, depending on what they think they can get from you.

You go to the bar with the locals and you get to have cool conversations with local guys and get random local girls grinding up on you. You have to go by yourself if you do this though because if you go with friends people you intimidate people and they'll stay away. Go solo and it's 10x easier to meet people; you're just some random friendly person anyone can meet.

There's a bunch going on in that story (which I'll break down for you later), but the net effect is you probably end up feeling like the storyteller is a pretty cool, authoritative, knowledgeable guy. If that's congruent with his appearance and behavior with this gal, she is going to feel more intrigued and excited about him when he tells her this tale.

You'll use attraction stories most during the most pivotal times of a seduction:

  • When you've first met this girl, and she's open to learning more about you, but not quite hooked

  • When you've just transitioned somewhere else with a girl (like to a seated position, or to another venue), and you need to get the conversation going again and want to make her feel like she made the right choice in going along with you

  • When you have a little dead time while you're waiting for something else, like for her or your friends to return, or for a bus or taxi to arrive

Used at the right time, the vibe gets more intimate, and you spike a woman's interest in you. She will cozy up more to you, get more comfortable, and open herself up more.

Of course, there's a wrong time to use these too, so let's look at timing first.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Femme Fatale

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

seduction gambit femme fatale
Here’s a secret weapon of mine. This seduction gambit gets very sexual very quickly; it introduces touch and creates investment and compliance, but no resistance!

Hey guys. Welcome back. Today I feel like getting practical and want to share a powerful seduction gambit FOR NIGHT GAME. It is one of my deadly routines.

This gambit has been hailed in close circles as a super potent cannon. It’s been mentioned as a “secret” gambit for a while now. Some people knew it as “femme fatale” but never knew what it was about. They just knew that those who understood it received amazing results.

The way this gambit works is to allow yourself to get HYPER SEXUAL in just a FEW minutes. It uses mechanisms for increased compliance. I will, of course, fully cover how and why it works.

I have pulled girls with this almost RIGHT away. It’s because this gambit will allow you to amp her up quickly since it will get so sexual that the girl cannot control herself.

Now, some may think, “Oh, here we go; another super risky gambit which either works very well or very badly.” Let me state CLEARLY that this is not the case. There is very little chance of facing resistance or bad vibes.

Honestly, I have not received ANY adverse reactions from this. I have not experienced any forms of resistance, whether it is female state control (FSC) or anti-slut defense (ASD).

The idea behind this gambit is to get from social to sexual, even in groups. This gambit was created during a Scandinavian winter where you have these issues:

  • Women default to a very non-sexual state (because of the cold and humid winter)

  • There isn’t much time to interact with girls in smoking areas because it’s cold, and girls will run back inside. You must hit quickly and do so powerfully or get nowhere.

This gambit works in warmer temperatures, too. I’m just sharing some background info.

Be aware that this routine may get you laid super quickly, and often, but it may not always do so. However, if it doesn't give you its full effect, it will still help you stimulate girls and set a sexual frame. In other words, you won’t lose anything by using it.

Again, this routine is best for night game (I would not recommend it for day game). It does require you have solid fundamentals in place before attempting, since it requires some calibration and technical understanding of pickup and seduction.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Sex Therapist

Alek Rolstad's picture

pickup seduction gambit: sex therapist
The “Sex Therapist” gambit focuses on cold reading and pacing. You guess something deep about her sexuality, then blow her mind with touch and sexual prizing.

Hey guys, and welcome back. Today I will share another pickup and seduction gambit. This one is called The Sex Therapist.

The reason I've been sharing these gambits lately (besides serving as personal notes) is to not only give you great tools to use but also show examples of how you can create your own gambits to fit your style and personality. You can follow the exact recipe, or just take the concepts you like and craft your own tools of deadly mass seduction. That's why I always share the mechanisms at play, which serve as key lessons. Sharing gambits gives an overview of how many concepts can play together.

These gambits should also serve as inspiration.

I do this myself. Sometimes I deliver a gambit straight from the script; other times, I use modifications. Sometimes I use simplified versions (when I lack time or prefer to focus on something else). So, I’m not a robot delivering the same gambit after gambit.

My interactions are typically made up of:

  • Scripted gambits

  • Freestyling conversations that respond to her reaction (and her words), with some improvisation and even some fluff in between

  • A variation of gambits calibrated to the situation and the girl

So, here is a gambit I use often. It is simple to pull off, accomplishes much, and also allows you multiple potential follow-ups.

This gambit is slightly less complex to understand since there are fewer fancy concepts at play. It requires the player to have his fundamentals down to get great results (good news: we have TONS of articles on fundamentals).

I’ve only used this gambit in night game.

It works best on non-freaky girls. These are girls who don’t have an apparent sexual presence or sexual confidence. Sadly, it is not always easy to figure out who is really sexual and who is not. (The way they act and dress can be misleading, and many are attention-whores in disguise.) But don’t worry if you use this gambit on one of these types, as it still works on them with some calibration. If you know you are dealing with such a girl, you should use more juicy gambits like the orgasm-control gambit or the eight types of orgasm gambit.

This gambit works best on more ordinary and normal girls with an average amount of sexual experience.

How to Transition into Sex Talk with a Girl by Using Proxies

Alek Rolstad's picture

easy sex talk
Getting into sex talk with a girl can be super easy and low-risk if you use proxies, which means talking about other people rather than what you want to do with her.

Hey, guys. Welcome back. Today I will try to share a simple way to use sex talk for pickup and seduction.

The idea is to add sex talk as a technique without triggering resistance. This is for advanced and intermediate players as well as those with less experience.

Sex talk, the act of talking about sex with women, can help us achieve many things, including:

  • Setting a sexual frame, creating an underlying sexual meaning to the interaction. It eases the escalation into sex and makes it happen more quickly with less resistance.

  • It arouses her. Sex talk is VERY stimulating to women.

  • It can allow you to display attractive traits, like showing openness to sexuality and that you have sexual experience (sexual prizing).

  • It’s a fun and captivating subject in itself.

Sex talk makes getting laid easier. But it can be a hard subject to get into, and perhaps a bit scary to some. You are prone to face resistance from her, usually in the form of anti-slut-defense (ASD). She may back off from your sexual advances to protect her reputation from the slut label.

So, as I present this sex talk technique, I have two intentions:

  1. I want to make this technique low-risk.

  2. It should also be intuitive to understand. It won’t require a ton of brainpower to learn or deliver properly.

Beginners typically prefer low-risk techniques because they may not have:

  • The confidence (yet) to deliver more ballsy talk.

  • The delivery skills that can help them get away with delivering bold stuff (advanced players on high momentum will notice they can get away with pretty outrageous things).

  • The skills (yet) to do damage control and recover from failed attempts.

I will tell you how risk-free and easy this technique is. This won’t require long and fancy transitions. You can quickly and easily get to the juice. It’s not prone to cause resistance.

Many beginners struggle to get into sex talk, and I can understand why, since I consider it to be one of the hardest things to do.

Let’s get to it.

Pickup and Seduction Gambit: The Anti-Climax Routine

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

pickup seduction gambit
The anti-climax gambit piques her interest and imagination but delivers comic disappointment. It helps you avoid potential resistance and leaves her wanting more.

Today I want to share a cool technique I have found that excites women. It’s a great tool to add juice to your conversations, stimulate her emotionally, and perhaps help set a sexual frame.

I've only tried this technique with night game. I am sure some of you can experiment with it and find other ways to implement it. For instance, you could apply a toned-down version of it for day game, or use something like this during a date (as you get further into it).

This post is suited for beginners who have learned the fundamentals of interesting and captivating conversation. However, intermediates will gain the most benefits from this technique.

That said, this technique is not hard to pull off.

I will share my example, but you are more than welcome to create your variations or use the concepts in this technique to create your own. This is the beauty of such posts. You may or may not like a technique, but you can always steal something from it, and that something can be an essential part of your repertoire.

If you are looking for sex talk gambits, you’ll be happy because the example I use here is one of them.

The 3 Best Ways to Start Conversations with Girls

Tony Depp's picture

how to start a conversation with a girl
You can’t get anywhere with that fine chica unless you meet her, so it helps to know how to start a conversation with a girl that intrigues her and sets things in motion.

Every guy wants to know how to start conversations with girls. It's not too hard; you just open your mouth, force air through your lungs, and form vowels.

But still, this is where the vast majority of men fail: at the opener. They let their imagination run wild with all sorts of egoic chatter, creating false timelines, zipping into the future, through the past, and everywhere except right NOW.

Guys ask me how to start conversations with girls at the mall, on the phone, on the bus, in groups, and alone. The list of potential opening situations is virtually endless, limited only by the imagination (opening during a zombie apocalypse, a bank robbery, in a nude sauna, etc.).

At times like these, I want to grab guys by the feet and haul them back to Earth.

We call these cerebral wanderings “mental masturbation.”

So in this guide, I’m going to simplify the process as much as possible. I’m not a fan of micro-managing the meta details of seduction; I’m more of a minimalist. I believe in the power of language and persuasion, yes. But when it comes to starting conversations with women you'd like to get naked in your bed, it’s infinitely more about how you say what you say, rather than what you say. That's the real secret you need to discover here – it's the "how" that should be your focus. Let's get into why that is.

Level Up Your Game, Pt 2: Conversations with Girls

Varoon Rajah's picture

conversations with girls
Let’s discuss how you can use conversation to establish acceptable social frames, create high points and compliance, and lead innocent chit-chat toward sexual topics.

Hey guys, it’s Daniel and Varoon once again! Earlier this year we met up in Canada, went out at night, and decided to write about it.

We figure it would be a great way to better understand the pitfalls guys face when learning the game. In this 4-part series, we cover 20 tips guys can use to improve their game.

In Part 1, we covered:

  • Being Present and seeing the room
  • Paying attention to her emotional feedback
  • Remaining present in the conversation
  • Being aware of potential roadblocks
  • Internalizing tenets of textbook seductions

Now we'll cover more intricacies of conversations with women that we noticed on our trip together.

How to Tell a Story

Tony Depp's picture

how to tell a story
Storytelling is a great skill, especially for attracting women. Getting her hooked and showcasing your good qualities all become smoother if you know how to tell a story.

Most men have no idea how to tell a story, especially one that will attract beautiful women.

I’m a writer. I have a blog with over one million written words. I’ve published multiple books, including fiction novels and a memoir, and I teach men how to talk to women. So I have a little experience with storytelling.

I’m in Kyiv, Ukraine at the moment. I’m trying to write, but I’m distracted by the waft of perfume drifting off the endless stream of long-haired, fair-skinned beauties sliding past the café in their high heels. How did I end up ten thousand miles from home, in a country that’s actively engaged in war with Russia? Was it for the women? The adventure? First, let me teach you how to tell a story.

Did that paragraph grab your attention? Were you hooked? With approaching women, the first step is to “hook” a girl (make her stop and pay attention). The first step in a story is to “hook” the audience, then captivate, amuse, charm, and attract them to you.

How to Talk Dirty to a Girl Without Being Awkward (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Dirty talk is ESSENTIAL for a good time in bed. It’s not optional. It’s MANDATORY.

You arouse a woman’s mind as much as you arouse her pussy.

But if you do it wrong, it can seem a bit cringe worthy. I totally understand.

However, you can get away with a lot in the bedroom that doesn’t work in real life.


So become a SAVAGE.

And I’ll teach you how to do it without being cringe worthy.

How to Be Funny: 15 Secrets the Best Comedians Use

Hector Castillo's picture

how to be funny
Want to learn humor that makes you friends and gets you laid? You’ve come to the right place. Here’s a crass and thoroughly offensive lowdown on how to be funny.

Whew, lad. This is going to be fun.

Me talking about comedy is usually a dangerous topic because I have very poor filters. I have zero limits on what I’m willing to discuss.

When I started to write this article, I was going to stray from super contemporary topics, but I couldn’t resist. It just wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t address some current ideas, and I’d feel like I was no longer being neutral, but outright cowardly.

However, I’m also not a culture warrior. I will briefly discuss culture, but in a detached way. MY philosophical/political leanings are pretty clear if you read my articles, but that doesn’t matter here. I’m simply going to discuss humor.

If you don’t agree with me on what’s funny and feel like getting testy in the comments, then attack my ideas about humor, not my choice of humor.

If you come across this article and are itching to find something to offend you, there will be plenty of that in the clips chosen and the topics covered.

I’m here to teach you the structure of how to be funny, and that will require me to use examples of what I find funny.

I’ll be scholastic with this article, but if I have to make some long apology or explanation to every demographic that might get butthurt at my words, it would be dreadfully boring, and you’d want to kill yourself before you finished the article. (See? Suicide joke. Strap on your panties, there’s more to come.)

You have been warned. All offense or outrage that you may experience by scrolling down is your responsibility and your responsibility alone.

Now, to the good stuff.