On my article about teasing a move you’ll make on a girl before you actually make it, Proximus asked
Hey Chase,
Could you write an article on escalating proximity with a girl in all kinds of situations with examples etc?
Sure, I can do that.
Closing proximity with a girl is when you get yourself and a girl physically closer. This is more or less mandatory to your courtships because it lets you touch women more naturally. Since touch is vital to romance, you want as much proximity as you can get – while making it as natural (and non-overbearing) as can be.
(by the way, in case you DON’T think proximity with girls is important, here’s a study finding close proximity makes someone seem more interested and dominant, both of which are attractive to women in a courtship; here’s a study reporting when men got closer to women, women rated them more positively; here’s a study finding as opposite sex pairs get closer, attraction increases; and here’s a study that finds people with close proximity feel more tightly involved with each other. And that’s just for starters)
All that said, let’s jump into our 12 ways to get into close proximity with a girl you like!