How to Stop Being an Incel (Yes, Seriously)
Mar 3, 2025
When you’re an incel, it’s like being stuck in a deep, dark hole. If you’re ready to climb out of that hole, here is how to stop being an incel – seriously.
Mar 3, 2025
When you’re an incel, it’s like being stuck in a deep, dark hole. If you’re ready to climb out of that hole, here is how to stop being an incel – seriously.
A girl wants to date or maybe for you to commit. But you dawdle and don’t make it happen. So she gives up – but then, you give chase! Why? The Dap Trap!
Does it seem like most girls are awful, horrid, mean-spirited bitches? If it does, it’s a sign you’re doing something wrong – and that’s a good thing (it means you can fix it).
What’re the odds you pick up a given sort of girl in a given sort of place? Well, it depends on a few different factors that affect that probability.
Every learner falls into one of the four (4) learner-motivation profiles. Achievers find success, Plateauers get stuck, Protestors protest, while Onlookers hang back.
The ability to meet, flirt, and seduce (i.e., ‘game’) is embedded in the genes of every man. Unlocking that ability, then honing it with practice, rigor, and skill, is another thing…
Until you see something, you'll be hard-pressed to believe it. That includes some of the more incredible things you can pull off with seduction.
A forum member spends over a year pining over a girl he likes yet never talks to. What can he finally do to get things moving?
What is a player? And more importantly, are YOU a player? Will being labeled a player have a bad impact on your dating life, or can the label actually help you?
Women have a way of bringing out the best in men. This often comes in the form of savage chiding, but if you listen to what she’s telling you, you’ll learn a lot.
The seduction community has its share of critics who portray pickup artists as unnatural and manipulative. Here’s why we don’t see it that way.
Does having good game impact whether a girl will be attracted to you? Short answer: yes, if she allows it to. A few key factors influence whether or not she will.
How important are various characteristics to the opposite sex? A guy with [X], in fact, is less like a girl with [X], and more like a girl with [Y].
The mix of girls you’ve dated and slept with informs your opinions of women. Different girl mixes can lead to very different thoughts about women.