Why Feigning Disinterest (Usually) Does Not Work
Mar 5, 2025
If a girl’s not investing as much, you may be tempted to feign disinterest. But all too often this technique is see-through. Here’s what to do instead.
Mar 5, 2025
If a girl’s not investing as much, you may be tempted to feign disinterest. But all too often this technique is see-through. Here’s what to do instead.
The statement of intent (SOI) is a powerful tool in the seducer’s arsenal. Combined with a barrier it can be used to dramatically push a seduction forward.
Showing interest in girls directly is easy: “You’re so sexy. You’re hot.” But what if you need to be subtler? Then you must show interest INDIRECTLY.
Reward girls to encourage helpful behavior you like. Punish them to discourage unhelpful behavior you dislike. Do both to make your love life much easier.
A statement of interest (SOI) lets you directly state interest in a girl you like. There are pros and cons to this – yet if short on time it can be ideal.
The way you show interest in a girl – and the time you do it at – differs by your approach. Will you go direct on her, or do things in a more indirect way?
The Tao of Steve gives men 3 rules to seduction. The first of these is “Be desireless.” But just how does being desireless help you hook in girls?
Rewarding good behavior during courtships and relationships is pivotal to your romantic success. But just how do you go about doing that?
It is possible for you to display intent to a woman without giving away your intentions, so that she may still have room to chase you. You just need the right approach.
Women run off when men come on too strong for them. Yet, they lose interest when men come on too weak. You must calibrate to the girl to effectively seduce.
Each girl needs you to show a somewhat different amount of interest in her at different phases of the courtship. There are 3 keys to this: her interest, her type, and calibration.
It’s important that you communicate sexual intent to women you want to sleep with. But how do you do this – and at what point exactly?
The subtleties of socializing are many, and sometimes even seemingly harmless actions can be signs to a woman you’re chasing her.
Playing hard to get can work great for getting women interested – or can end up pushing them away. Find out how to pull it off – and not go too far.