What to Do After Unprotected Sex
Feb 22, 2025
Things got a little too frisky and in a moment of passion you left protection aside. What steps should you take after the act to ensure you stay clean?
Feb 22, 2025
Things got a little too frisky and in a moment of passion you left protection aside. What steps should you take after the act to ensure you stay clean?
You’ve got a girl, but you don’t want to keep using condoms, and you don’t trust the pill. Use these 3 solutions to avoid an unplanned pregnancy with her.
Uncareful men end up unready fathers. Pregnancies can be accidents… but not all accidents are unintended. Here’s how to avoid getting baby trapped.
If a woman tells you not to wear a condom, should you listen? Well, no – while going bareback can be fine sometimes, you don't want to do it with girls like this.
If you want to learn dating, the key is to gain experience. But you don’t have to learn everything directly. These pro tips will save you a lot of pain and suffering.
It's grown trickier and trickier for bachelor men to navigate the dating world… without getting snared by a scorned woman's revenge. Here's how to stay safe out there.
Not every transsexual wants you to know all the details. To not get catfished, you need to know how to spot a transsexual – and steer clear of traps.
In Part I of the series, we look at the hard target dater: the man who can’t be suckered by friend-seekers, flirts, diggers, or climbers.
Sometimes – rarely – you’ll meet confrontational men or confrontational women who want to turn your approach into a battle. What do you do when this happens?
Some 50% of all reported rapes are fake. How do you keep from being one of the 36,000 male victims of false rape accusation every year?
Safe sex isn’t just avoiding STDs (although that’s part of it) – it’s also avoiding oral diseases, crazy women, false rape accusations… and even accidental rape, too.
STDs are no fun, and they’re best avoided – but you’re probably worried about the wrong ones, and missing important means of prevention.
Want to date the women you want, but dodge the dangers of sex and dating? Read this informative piece to learn how you can do just that.