5 Benefits to Using the Indirect Approach with Girls | Girls Chase

5 Benefits to Using the Indirect Approach with Girls

Chase Amante

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Alek Rolstad's picture
benefits to the indirect approachThe indirect approach sometimes gets mischaracterized as “not bold.” But that’s not what it is at all. The truth is, it features numerous key benefits over the more direct approach.

Hey everyone. I hope you are all doing well.

I’ve posted extensively on indirect game. We define this as a game approach when the seducer holds back on showing interest, usually seducing a girl indirectly and covertly, withholding his display of interest until the time is right. He shows interest after she has returned interest. Then, he reflects her level of interest and calibrates accordingly. If the girl shows more interest, so will the guy; if she shows less, that’s what he does. It’s a smooth way to pick up women that provides tremendous control.

If you have followed me over the years, you know that this is my preferred game style. I have shared posts on this subject about how to use this style. See the following for more.

I have also discussed indirect game indirectly (pun intended) in other articles. However, there are many factors within indirect game that I still need to cover, including the different aspects of indirect game and how to show interest when using this game style.

So, today, I will discuss the reasons why I prefer it.

Keep reading. You may learn a thing or two about indirect game.


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