7 Savvy Ways to Not Waste Time on Dates | Girls Chase

7 Savvy Ways to Not Waste Time on Dates

Chase Amante

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stop wasting time on datesWasting time on dates sucks. Want to slash your wasted time? These 7 strategies to streamline dating make the process a whole lot more efficient.

One of the more frustrating aspects of modern dating is wasted time.

There are lots of ways dates can end up wasting your time: being too far away, too inconvenient, turning into no-shows; failures to connect, failures to actually go anywhere, and on and on.

Some people get frustrated enough to outright give up on dating!

Reader’s Digest even claimed a few years ago that “science just proved online dating is a waste of your time.”

Well, what are you supposed to do… just not date? (I mean, skipping online to date in real life is not so bad. But you must get dates somewhere… you’re not a monk!)

This article lays out seven (7) savvy ways to not waste time on dates.

That is, ways to make your dates more efficient, more convenient, AND more EFFECTIVE… at bringing you the kinds of romantic results you’re after.

If that sounds like what you’re looking for, then read on – and let’s get your time wasted on dating down to a bare minimum.


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