Advanced Sex Talk: Excite Her with the Squirting Gambit | Girls Chase

Advanced Sex Talk: Excite Her with the Squirting Gambit

Chase Amante

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Alek Rolstad's picture
squirting gambitIf you already know how to sex talk, you’ll like this one. By discussing how to make a woman squirt, you can make her so excited she… wants you to make her squirt.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today I’ll go through another gambit. This one is bold and explicit. The goal is to convey sexual prizing to arouse a girl. It’s a powerhouse, but it can be tricky for beginners at sex talk to pull it off. So it is more suitable for advanced guys.

Use it mid- to late-game to escalate the vibe and further sexualize your interactions. It’s ideal when you need to spike her so she agrees to go home with you or when you are back at your place and are about to seal the deal!

Of course, physical escalation is also good instead of verbals. You can combine both, although be careful that bold touching plus bold sex talk can be overkill. To learn more about when to use touch versus verbals, see part 3 of my sex talk calibration series for an in-depth discussion.

This gambit is older but very powerful. It may be harder to pull for beginners unless the vibe is strong and:

  • There is already a solid sexual frame set. This gambit can reinforce the sexual frame, not set it.

  • You have already talked about lighter sexual subjects.

With that out of the way, here is the gambit. I will start with a transition, cover the gambit, then discuss the mechanisms at play.

I’ll break down the gambit into three parts. You can view this as one gambit or three interconnected gambits.


The Groundwork for Bold Explicit Gambits

Because this gambit is explicit, you should begin by setting a sexual frame first. You likely have already discussed sexual topics (see my part 2 post on sex talk calibration). This will make it easier to get into a more explicit sex talk subject.

You can increase your chances of making this gambit work by:

  • Ensuring you have first set a sexual frame. This type of gambit is not meant to set the sexual frame but can reinforce it.

  • Confirming that the girl already likes you, at least enough to be okay with you talking about explicit topics.

  • Already brought up and discussed sex so that you can make the transition smooth.

  • Being isolated with your girl.

To accomplish these, you can use lighter sex talk gambits to set the sexual frame, get her used to talking about sex, and increase compliance enough to allow you to get into subjects like this (and get her compliant enough to get isolated with you). Remember that light sex talk doesn’t require much compliance if delivered smoothly. And, if you are advanced enough, you can deliver light sex talk gambits without any compliance!

Six light sex talk gambits:

  • The Sexual Subjectification gambit

You may also use these sex talk techniques:

Good frame control and calibration are crucial for bolder and more explicit gambits, especially with more advanced techniques like this one. However, this technique is powerful and not risky if you know what you are doing.


The Gambit

At this point, it should be easy to transition into this gambit. If you are not discussing a sexual subject, you can use an attention grab to get into it as long as you fulfill the above conditions.

Alek: Did you know that, in theory, all women are capable of squirting when having an orgasm?

Her: Yes/no.

Alek: Physiologically, they can; however, psychologically, things are trickier.

Her: Indeed, I squirt easily/I have never squirted.

You can use other techniques, such as proxies or bridging, instead of a simple attention grab.

Okay, with that out of the way, you can get to the gambit.


Part 1: Comfort and Squirting

Alek: Those who easily squirt tend to have some traits in common. First, they tend to feel comfortable with the guy. Is he a guy she feels safe with? Is he a guy she can feel like she can open up with sexually without judgment? Is he a guy that arouses her deeply? If yes, then the odds increase!

Her: Indeed!

Alek: Second, does she feel comfortable with the context? Is it an arousing context? A relaxing context? And…a safe context. If yes, all good!

Her: Yeah!

Alek: And third, does she feel comfortable with herself, her body, and her sexuality? Experienced women tend to squirt more easily. Women with positive past experiences can squirt easily.

Her: I am one of those/not one of those (it doesn’t matter how she responds).

Notice that I am using the listing technique. For more details, see How to Use Listing to Set Good Frames with Girls.

man speaking with woman in nightclub at barHer answer doesn’t matter here. You are just setting the frame.

Let’s break this down. What is happening here? Some mechanisms at play:

  • Sexual prizing: you are demonstrating sexual knowledge, skills, and experience. You are conveying the traits of a good lover.

  • Comfort building: you convey that you understand comfort, so she will likely attribute those qualities to YOU.

Note that this gambit can be transitioned easily from and into the trust and comfort gambit.


Part 2: Arousal

This is likely the more challenging part, and it will help if you use it in isolation. However, feel free to use elements from this gambit to create your own.

You can also skip or skim through this part.

Alek: I also think it is essential that she is aroused. This can be done in many ways, but usually, I think an excellent way to create deep arousal is to take your time and build anticipation. Tease her sexually; go two steps forward and one step back as you touch her…kiss her…lick her.

Her: Hmmm, yeah.

Alek: And perhaps it would be wise to give her a clitoral orgasm first…or two…or even three to get everything warmed up and orgasmic. It really increases the chances of her squirting!

Her: Makes sense!

What happens here?

  • More sexual prizing
  • More arousal

But the beauty of this second part is that you can fill it in with anything—as long as it links to arousal.

Here are some gambits that can complement this second part or that you can transition to.

Changing subjects is not necessarily a bad idea. Sure, you may not complete the discussion on squirting (and you will not finish the whole gambit), but this is not a problem because it may leave her wanting more, which can increase compliance.

This technique is thread slicing, and I use it often in my interactions.

Here’s another big benefit of thread slicing. If the conversation turns dull later in your interaction, you run out of things to say, or even if her mood crashes, you can always bring up the subject and resume the conversation where you left off. This gives you plausible deniability to re-engage her into an intriguing subject and may also trigger a past anchor. She will feel what she initially felt when you were previously discussing squirting.

She may even bring the subject back up herself, “Oh, hey, you didn’t finish our conversation about squirting….” That, my friends, is called investment.

After all, a girl asking you to resume a sexual subject puts you in a very good position!


Part 3: The Squirting Technique

Note that you can skip part two and go straight into part three. You can even skip part one, although I like the comfort-building element in part one.

Alek: Now that she feels comfortable and aroused, we get to the squirting. It usually works through G-spot stimulation, which generally is situated inside her vagina, a few centimeters inside, upward. You can stimulate that with two fingers. Some like an upward movement and some prefer the “come here” movement (feel free to demonstrate). And you keep doing that until you start hearing that very distinct sound, and then it releases!

Her: Oh!

Alek: I discovered it is wise to use some lube as it is very sensitive in there, so the lube helps avoid making it painful.

Her: Smart.

Alek: And fun fact, not all women have the G-spot in the same place. Some have it a bit to the left, some to the right, and some a little further inside. One just has to explore! But exploring is part of the fun.

Her: This is very true.

Alek: At the end of the day, one must be observant and see her reaction to know whether it’s hitting the right spot. Good lovers are observant lovers, as a friend of mine used to say, and I agree.

Her: And I agree with your friend.

Okay, while we are at it, we can add more.

Alek: That said, even though all women have a G-spot, they are not all equally sensitive there. Some women are more sensitive elsewhere. Even though the G-spot is the main “squirt button,” there are other ways I have seen women squirt (easy transition into the eight types of orgasm gambit).

Her: Okay? How so?

Alek: Well, it is rare, but through clitoral stimulation (and trust me, guys, it was annoying to be sprayed down every time I went down on her) and a few through anal sex (actually true).

Her: Interesting!

Similar to above, the mechanisms at play:

  • Comfort building
  • Sexual prizing


Bonus: The Bathtub and The Towel

Alek: I once discovered a way to really increase the odds of making a girl squirt!

Her: Oh?

Alek: Yeah, just throw her into the shower or bathtub (if you have one, bathtubs are better).

Her: Oh? Why?

Alek: First, she will feel clean, thus more at ease with herself. Second, the warm water will stimulate her blood flow, which increases her chances of orgasm. Third, she feels connected and at ease with the environment. Bathing at someone’s place creates a connection with that place (I am again using listing).

Her: Smart!

woman in romantic bathPaint the picture for her and help her really imagine it…

Alek: And it can be wise to place a towel under her. Many women fear squirting because they do not want to make a mess and ruin someone’s bed. I noticed that placing a towel under her really increases the odds of squirting.

Her: That makes total sense.

Mechanisms at play? Well, you guessed them!

I used this bonus part of the gambit a few weeks ago. I was deep into sex talk with this girl, and after some chat, the conversation naturally transitioned into squirting. She asked, “How do you make women squirt?” My response was reciting the bathtub gambit (I didn’t mention the towels), which was sufficient. So yes, you can use this bonus part in isolation.

Even funnier was that when we got to my place, she wanted to take a bath in my bathtub. How predictable.

And yes, I did have to change sheets eventually! You know, it gets warm first, and it gets cold— need to change those sheets before the mattress takes a hit!


Some Notes

This gambit is suitable for advanced players. You need to deliver it at the right time with good calibration. You should calibrate to her and the context.

Another issue my previous students have had with this gambit is the pressure they feel it places on them. They lack the sexual experience to make this gambit seem congruent (they have no experience with making women squirt), and even if they fake it until they make it, they feel plenty of pressure when the time comes to have sex. I understand this issue. The only way to solve it is to learn how to make women squirt (and by learning that, it is easier to keep a girl around). So, boys, read the guides and get an F-buddy to practice on (she probably will not mind).



This is a very old-school gambit that conveys tons of sexual prizing. It is indeed a powerhouse.

It is also ideal for escalating the vibe.

If you pull off this gambit and it works (considering you deliver it correctly, at the right time, in a calibrated way), and she reacts well, then I promise you, the extraction will be easy. If you are already back at your place, having sex should be a piece of cake.

Best of luck.


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