Hey guys and welcome back. I hope you are all doing okay.
Today, I will discuss an advanced topic. It isn’t hard to understand, but it may be hard to pull off. The subject is about pulling and logistics.
When you think about a guy pulling a girl, where is he likely to take her?
His place
Her place
Another location, like an after-party
Generally, you take her to your place, but if that does not work, try to go for her place, and if that does not work, you look for an alternative.
Taking her back to your place is usually the ideal choice because you control most logistics. You know where your place is, who lives there, and what to expect.
See How to Take Her Home and Extract Her Back to Your Place
But, this may not work. Some girls prefer going back to their place, and that’s fine. It may even be the most practical call if she lives alone and nearby.
You may not live alone or live far away. So, you cannot pull back to your place easily. Going to her place is generally the second-best option. This requires her to have good logistics (live not far away, have her own room, etc.). That’s why you should screen for her logistics. For details, see Going to Her Place: Tools to Get You More “Yes”es
Also, check out this post by Chase: How to Go to Her Place Smoothly, Even If You Just Met
And sometimes, no options work, and you need to be creative. Perhaps a friend is hosting an after-party? Maybe there is an option for public sex? Now, this gets trickier. Not only is public sex illegal in many places, but you have many logistical unknowns. (How are the logistics at the after-party?) You usually need to work harder as those pulls require more compliance.
We define the latter scenario can as the “no logistics” scenario—you have no clear plans about how you intend to shag her. Did you get an invite to a stranger’s after-party? You do not know the logistics there. You have some logistics if the after-party is at a friend’s place.
I wrote an article on this subject: How to Hook Up When You Have No Logistics. Today, I will build upon it by discussing how to succeed without logistics.
This post stems from an old saying from Captain Jack, an old school PUA, who claimed that if a girl really likes you, is aroused, and wants you, then logistics will create themselves, or she will try to resolve the situation, and everything will become easier.
But reaching that “point of no return” is easier said than done. It’s not simple and requires some luck. You need more than just having a girl like you or having her be horny. You need a higher compliance level beyond what is usually necessary to pull her back to your place or hers.
So, what can you do to increase your chances of making it work?