Don't Change Your Approach to Girls Just Because They're Beautiful | Girls Chase

Don't Change Your Approach to Girls Just Because They're Beautiful

Chase Amante

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don't treat beautiful girls differentWhen a girl’s beautiful, your instincts will scream to play it safe: go slow! Don’t be risqué! But if you WANT her, you must treat her the SAME as other girls!

Bit of a public service announcement here, but you should not be changing your approach to women simply because they’re beautiful.

Lots of guys do this; in fact, it seems to be hardcoded into men. If you’ve gone through my free 7-day mini course (and if you haven’t, you definitely should – you can take the Girl Q quiz and sign up for the Girls Chase Email Newsletter to begin receiving the mini course here), you’re familiar with the Mating Sociometer.

Sociometer theory states that we adjust our behavior to match our status relative to the status of the person we’re dealing with. The result is men whose hearts beat faster for beautiful girls behaving more reserved and treating those girls as ‘higher status than me’.

Yet any Girls Chase reader who’s been reading even a few weeks should know: doing anything that frames or positions yourself as lower status than the woman you’re courting spells attraction DEATH! Girls go for men they view as higher status than them, not lower!

But that leaves guys with a conundrum: how do you override those instincts to treat her ‘special’ and ‘unique’ when those instincts are so powerful and it’s so hard to get yourself to ‘behave normally’ around her?

Beside this, there’s also what your instinctive brain will be shouting at you: “We HAVE to treat her special! Think there’s any way she’ll go for what all those other girls go for? No way!

Is that instinct correct?

It’s NOT correct – for reasons we are just about to review.

Note: this article aims at men who are already able to get together consistently with at least somewhat cute girls; i.e., men who have a working process down. If you do not have a working, repeatable process down with girls yet, you may still enjoy this article, but it won’t be as helpful for you – YET!


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