The wrong woman can be legitimate bad news for your life. To screen these bad news girls out though (and screen the good ones in), you need 4 rules.
Over the years, I’ve penned various cautionary notes aimed at keeping you safe from girls who will slowly (or quickly!) suck the lifeblood out of you. Some of them include:
- Dating Narcissistic and Egotistical Women
- Tactics Tuesdays: How to Screen Out Gold Diggers
- Why I Quit Dating Girls Who Club, Party, or Drink
- 8 Red Flags She’s a Crazy Girl You Should Stay Away From
- Protecting Yourself from Psychic Vampires (and Not Turning, Either)
Drexel contributed his important warning on a certain class of ‘bad news’ girl here:
Yet, as Sadeqh points out in my article on resilience, I haven’t actually given you a system you can follow for keeping these girls at-bay (or under control):
“hey chase! I have noticed that you covered a lot of topics on how to seduce or introduced a lot of ways to success. I admire them all but why didn’t you ever start to teach men how to not let someone (like which would Be called a bitch by society) begin to destroy and suck Blood outta men who only think they love her? why didn’t you write in your book about defense, nothing Held back! about the destroying Powers women could have over men? about the hate that hurt people could use against someone who only wants to enjoy with them? thanks, sadeqh”
So, okay; let me give you that then. Defensive tactics to ward off girls who are bad news.
In this essay, I’m going to give you four (4) manly rules I use myself that make girls who are ‘bad news’ avoid me like I’ve got a case of flesh-eating disease... And turn ‘good’ girls (i.e., any girl who won’t shred you or trample you in a hookup or relationship) even better.