There's a recurring theme you see when you're in this industry long enough.
Well, actually, you see a lot of recurring themes.
But one of them is guys complaining about how women don't wait for them.
Men complain that women don't wait for them across so many domains:
"I wanted to ask her out, but it's like she lost interest and moved on. Why couldn't she wait for me?"
"We were having such a great conversation, and I was getting ready to make a move, but the emotions changed and she left. Why didn't she wait just a little longer for me?"
"I'd been talking to this girl for weeks and had some really great dates with her. Then she texted me she'd started seeing someone else. I thought we had a great thing. Why didn't she wait?"
"This girl and I were dating for five months. She kept asking me how I felt about her, and I didn't really have an answer. Then eventually she began to pull away, and broke up with me. I just realized I'm crazy about her. I want to give her everything she wanted, but it's too late. I don't understand why she didn't wait for me?"
Long-time readers know the first part of my answer: attraction has an expiration date.
Just because she's into you now doesn't mean she will be four hours from now if you don't take advantage of it while it's there.
But what about for the guys who are in relationships?
Why do women ditch guys they've been dating for months, who were just about ready to offer that next step up in the relationship those women had sought?
Is there any relation between women not waiting in relationships, where they're already intimate with the man, and women not waiting for men they're not yet intimate with?