Have you ever had a date where it felt like the girl was expecting you to go for it… but you didn’t go for it?
Perhaps there was a potent ‘kiss me’ vibe coming off her, but you didn’t kiss her. Perhaps you could tell she wanted to be alone with you, but you didn’t take her anywhere private or bring her home. Perhaps you did get her alone somewhere, but never made a move – or made one, but gave up when you hit a little resistance.
What happened after? Did you ever see the girl again? Was she as into you the next time… or had things cooled off?
While it certainly is possible to move too fast with girls and rush things, this is not most men’s problem. Most men move too slow.
When you move too slow with girls, you miss escalation windows.
When you move too slow with girls, attraction expires.
I have plenty of times on Girls Chase urged you to move faster with girls.
Today, just in case some part of you is still prone to thinking, “Girls want me to move slow and be a gentleman, though!” I’d like to share some quotes from women talking about guys moving too slow for their tastes.