In just two days, my state-of-the-art texting system Impulse Texting hits shelves.
I hope you’re ready to start getting girls texting you back on impulse – because that’s what this system enables you to do (and if you have not seen them yet, check out the free videos on what this system does for you).
For now though, let’s talk about “friendly texter” girls.
These are the girls who will text you back, never ghost you, and are always friendly… yet never want to go out onto dates with you.
What causes this? Are they shy? Are they busy? Are you not asking them out the right way? Are they just too nice to not text you back?
There are a few things to understand about these girls, and girls texting in general, to get a handle on what’s going on with these situations.
From there, we’ll talk about what to do with girls like this in your phone.