How & Why to Switch Vibes Talking to Girls (Anti-Dancing Monkey Technique) | Girls Chase

How & Why to Switch Vibes Talking to Girls (Anti-Dancing Monkey Technique)

Chase Amante

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Alek Rolstad's picture
fractionation for more hooksWhen you talk to girls, it’s easy to become ‘trapped’ in a vibe: too-serious guy, or overly-funny ‘dancing monkey’. The way out: learn to swap out vibes.

Hi guys, welcome back.

Last week, I discussed opening and hooking girls in loud environments. In these situations, your verbal game is limited, and you cannot hear each other well. You need to rely on non-verbal communication and timing. We suggested walking by girls and giving out attention baits to catch their attention, and test compliance. If you get a positive response, you can open her.

It helps to be silly, fun, and stimulating to catch girls’ attention. Some men struggle with that (and I may write a post on this soon). Many have a different problem: they are hilarious, entertaining, and stimulating and have an easy time opening and hooking, but this can lock them into a frame of “the entertainer,” “dancing monkey,” or “funny guy.” All are contrary to a seductive vibe and can lead to problems later when it is time to isolate, escalate, and seduce.

Does this problem sound familiar? This post is for you.

Note that the advice in this post is valid for any phase and strategy in seduction, whether it’s day or night game. I will focus on the hook phase of night game using a strategy with humor as an extreme case that exemplifies the point. I will also touch on day game. So, this post is for you, dear day gamers.


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