If Your Life Sucks, Does It Affect You with Girls? (Macro Momentum) | Girls Chase

If Your Life Sucks, Does It Affect You with Girls? (Macro Momentum)

Chase Amante

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Alek Rolstad's picture
high and low macro momentumWhen life is good, it’s easy to do great with girls. But when the road gets bumpy, how do you keep your momentum up in dating – instead of let it fall?

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today, I want to talk about macro-momentum. I know it’s a fancy word, but its definition is simple and likely concerns you. Macro-momentum is how well you are doing over an expected period, usually depending on your life, emotional situation, and overall results in field.

You have probably noticed that during pickup and seduction, there are times when you have plenty of results and all is going perfectly. The girls like you; it is easy to open and hook; you are confident in your skills. Seduction feels simple—you are excited about the entire process. We call this high macro-momentum or simply high momentum. Your success from previous nights will spill over into the next, continuing until the pendulum swings the other way.

Then, there are times when things don’t go so well. You have off-periods, or what we call low macro-momentum or low momentum. You are struggling and not getting many, if any, results. Everything you try feels like work; hooking is challenging, and women do not seem to respond well to your approach. You have to work much harder for results.

And just like that, your mojo is gone; you lose motivation.

The pendulum eventually swings back into high momentum. It continues to go back and forth. It’s the nature of the game. The sooner you accept it, the better.


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