Justin Harder’s put together the first serious summit the seduction community has had in years – and it’s just about to start. He’s calling it the Dating Game Summit.
You can learn more about it and pick up your FREE ticket here:
>> Attend the 2025 Dating Summit (Online) <<
Yours truly will be there, Hector Castillo will be there, plus many others you may recognize. I don’t know all the speakers, but there are a bunch attending I either know personally or am familiar with at least by name. Dr. Robert Glover (No More Mr. Nice Guy), Michael Sartain, Kezia Noble, Dave Perrotta (who’s written a few guest posts for us), Adam Lane Smith – all in attendance, alongside many others. Harder has assembled an impressive 50 speakers for the event.
If you’re familiar with the dating advice space outside of Girls Chase, there’s likely folks attending you will know (the speaker list is on the Summit page).