Hey guys, welcome back.
I. Why Do Post-Field Diagnostics?
II. Two Methods of In-Field Diagnostics
III. In-Field Diagnostics Tool Kit
IV. Conclusion
Last week, I discussed calibration and provided key questions you should ask in-field so that you understand how you are doing. Many of my students don't lack material, or an understanding of their material but they struggle with delivery, how to calibrate it, and, more importantly, how those pieces fit together.
Knowing what to do, why, and how to proceed after delivering your material will help you understand why she is reacting the way she is, and you'll know how to respond. You'll know which questions to ask next. This should be your priority if you are a beginner and truly want to learn pickup. Ditto for intermediate guys, who may already know what they are doing. Pros likely know the answers to these questions and understand what they are doing, but if you are a pro reading this blog, you already know that you are always looking for more tips to increase your skills.
It's wise to ask yourself how and what you are doing. The answers allow you to delve into pickup and seduction holistically.
And the way to do it is by post-field diagnostics.
What are post-field diagnostics? You go out, do your best, then think back and analyze what happened when you return home. Try to understand and decipher your interactions to further your understanding of the events you experienced and learn lessons from your outing.
We know that pickup and seduction are skills that require practice. And the more you practice, the better you become.
However, you can practice smart and practice unsmart. Practicing smart involves diagnosing and fine-tuning as you progress. Use each outing to your fullest potential as you learn and grow your skills by calibrating. This is what we will discuss today.
Before I begin, let me state that what I am about to share is not meant for beginners only. Beginners will benefit the most from this information, but all can gain something, including and especially intermediate guys facing a playboy plateau. Experienced guys all perform post-field diagnostics. They may have a different template, and that's fine. They can still find inspiration in the details I share below.