Efficiency in meeting women ought to be the name of the game for you, and there’s no more efficient way to meet women than wherever you happen to run into them. And if you’re on the go a lot, one of the easiest, most convenient places to meet women is however you happen to be going where you go.
I’ve met some incredible women on-the-go. The first fashion model I got together with I met waiting for a train; one of the most passionate, incredible women I had in my life I met boarding an airplane. Planes, trains, and buses are great avenues to meet new women in.
There are a few reasons why these make such great meeting points:
Her guard is down. She’s not in super-social mode, doesn’t have her defenses up for dealing with annoying barflies and club guys, and hasn’t been hit on by every passing guy like she is at her favorite party spot. Because her energy level is going to be more normal here than in a nighttime venue, it’s much easier to connect quickly and naturally and avoid much of the extraneous stuff you’ll run into at night.
She’s alone, and so are you. That means, you don’t have to mind her friends (or yours); you don’t have to keep an eye on a number of different people’s moods and behavior and actions. You only have to worry about her, and you. She’ll be less conscious without friends monitoring her actions, and more likely to be honest and upfront with you from the beginning.
Transit game means high turnover. The more frequently you use transit, the more often you’re going to run into pretty girls on-the-go, and the turnover is quite high. The girl you see today you won’t see tomorrow; someone else will be in her place. The only time you start seeing the same people is if you make the same commute every day at the same exact time; most of the time, even if you’re making the same commute, you’ll have variance in your commute time (maybe one day you board the train at 6:10 PM; maybe another day at 6:13 PM; maybe a third day at 6:04 PM), and so will everyone else. Consequently, you’ll be running into new women over and over – which gives you many new women to meet, and many opportunities to meet them.
You have instant social context. “Going anywhere exciting?” That’s really all you need to say to get the conversation started, at a bare minimum. Enough said.
So, great, you want to start doing transit approaches. What do you need to keep in mind as you do them?