Hey guys. Welcome back.
Today’s post has a different focus. While it may seem like a report, it is not. I will present a hypothetical scenario to illustrate my thought process in the field. Instead of analyzing the interactions, I want to discuss the various mental states I experience that guide my decision-making during an outing. My goal is to create an introspective reflection that reveals what occurs when facing different situations and challenges.
I have historically tried to incorporate this aspect in my field reports. However, most reports focus on events, such as the conversations, techniques I use, reasons behind their effectiveness, the girl’s responses, and my reactions to those responses. As a result, there is little room to explore what goes on inside my head.
I initially wanted this to focus on a specific outing. However, upon reflection, I realized that the outing I chose was similar to many others I’ve experienced, and my thought process is the same. Using a hypothetical scenario based on actual events gives me more flexibility. This approach allows me to create more hoops and settings, and I can better describe how I react to them. I am not confining myself to the narrative of what actually happened.
Before I begin, note that I am making these scenarios more negative than usual. This lets you see my mindset and strategic decision-making skills in handling challenging situations. They may seem more difficult than your typical outing. So, do not let this demotivate you. Most outings will be more favorable. The key is that despite unfavorable situations, you can still use your skills to turn the tide.