Only Superior Men Learn to Seduce | Girls Chase

Only Superior Men Learn to Seduce

Chase Amante

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seduction is the mark of an elite manA reader says he hesitated to study seduction because he feared what it said about him that he’d need to do so. But what it is says is that a man wants EXCELLENCE.

One of my biggest mental blocks with seduction and why I had trouble learning at first is I felt like a lesser man, an incompetent person, for having to learn it. Anything I didn’t grasp naturally I felt insufficient/lesser/incompetent at the fact that I had to actually learn it. What I’ve realized is that as human beings we are creatures that can only know how to do something by actively working at learning how to do it. We don’t just grasp things from the first.

I try not to beat our own drum too much because it comes off a bit boorish.

But as this Girls Chase student notes in his comment, there’s a mentality among men – a great MANY men – that learning to seduce means admitting to some kind of deficiency.

Because of this mentality (a very shortsighted mentality, counterproductive to any man’s goals), the vast majority of men remain ignorant of seduction and trapped in avoidable relationship quagmires and months- or years-long woman dry spells.

So let us set the false modesty aside, and state what every man wise in seduction knows:

Only superior men endeavor to learn and see through to success the art of seduction.


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