Hey guys. I hope you are doing well.
III. Conclusion
You may remember a recent post of mine about social observations and how the sexual market has changed. Everything changes, although rarely drastically; it changes enough that we can tweak our game while maintaining our framework. We usually don't need to make extreme changes, which is good.
I pointed to gambits focusing on lowering anti-slut defense (ASD), women's defense mechanism that allows them to reject or resist sexual advances to preserve their reputation, so others don't label them as sluts. These gambits often have fewer effects in more sexually liberated Western societies.
Those gambits still work, although less powerfully. Women still fear the slut label subconsciously, and society still has a somewhat sex-negative attitude toward sex, at least deep down. Today, it has a different form (radical feminism).
That said, the idea of being a sexually free woman correlates with more modern ideals of liberal feminism and being a strong, independent woman. Whether or not we agree with these ideals is up to each of us, but as discussed in my previous posts, we can use this to our advantage to create great gambits.
And this is true with today's gambit.
I wrote this gambit quickly as a forum post a while ago, but since it works remarkably well today, I decided to rewrite it, adding more details and tweaks to make it more powerful. I discuss more of the mechanisms below. You are welcome to read my forum post, which contains a discussion between me and several posters: Sex Talk: The Purity Gambit.