A Quick Sneak Peek of My Upcoming "How to Tease" System | Girls Chase

A Quick Sneak Peek of My Upcoming "How to Tease" System

Chase Amante

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Lush Teases Method™Want to tease girls much, much better? My upcoming “Lush Teases” Method™ will teach you just that – and get girls laughing their ways into your bedroom…

Pretty much since I started Girls Chase, guys have been asking me to explain to them how to be funny, how to tell jokes, how to tease girls expertly, and so on.

I have gotten asked this so much that even though it is probably one of the hardest things to teach, I have made numerous efforts over the years to explain how to tease girls, craft one-liners, and use wit and playfulness effectively. I even shot a couple of videos on it.

But I am still getting guys asking about humor, or talking about how they have trouble using humor to the desired effect. When I see how they are using their humor, it is obvious they aren’t grasping the foundations of WHAT makes humor work with women.

So, I’ve put together a new system that teaches men how to create humor that seduces women from the open all the way up through to intimacy (and beyond).

I’m calling it ‘LUSH’.


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