It’s been a little while since my last update. So here’s the latest on my upcoming book, the Roses of Romantic Attraction. You can find the previous updates here.
One new update: we have a new cover design, courtesy our designer Pravin. You can see it in the header image for this update article.
If this is your first time reading about the book, I’m writing RoRA to be the ultimate compilation of the facts of attraction for both men and women. In terms of attraction books, we have Ovid’s works, Casanova’s memoirs, and modern pickup manuals. We also have a few ultra-dry text book compilations of the scientific research on attraction. Nowhere is there a popular science book that compiles all the science on attraction, organizes it through a lens of clarity and simplicity, and gives both men and women an actionable process for attracting the opposite sex.
That’s the aim for Roses: to serve as the attraction Bible. The one book you can hand anyone who wants to learn how to better attract the opposite sex, and he or she will immediately find loads of takeaways useful to him or her.
I’ve broken the book down into a dozen chapters I’m calling ‘roses’. Each rose focuses on a different essential element of attraction.
Right now I’m finishing up Rose IX on logistics. Here’s the latest update.