Hi guys. I hope you are all doing great.
Table of Contents
I want to share a sex talk gambit that is very efficient and easy to pull off. What can this gambit do for you?
Convey sexual experience (sexual prizing)
Communicate sexual, social, and female understanding (pacing effect)
Build sexual comfort
It does all this while setting a sexual frame, which we know is crucial. When the interaction is sexual, whether the sexual frame is explicit or light, future sexualization is smoother because the interaction already has a sexual undertone. So, talking about sex as you move forward will be easier, forging a path for bolder and more explicit gambits.
This self-control sex gambit is light and does not contain much explicit content, but feel free to create a more explicit version if you want. Because this gambit is less explicit, it’s less prone to resistance, less risky, and easier to introduce.
However, a light gambit does NOT mean it is weak. It is powerful even if the level of explicit content is low because it still sets a sexual frame and conveys attractive attributes. And this can get a girl interested and attracted.
Sometimes, light gambits are all you need to hook her, get her immersed and curious about you, and even be willing to go home with you. Sure, it rarely is enough to escalate all the way, but it can set a clear path for easy physical escalation.
Light sexual gambit are helpful in your early game as a hook gambit; see Using Sex Talk to Hook Girls Early in a Conversation.
So, let’s get into the gaming, but first, I’ll share some background so you understand the theory behind this gambit.
Remember, you can find a compilation of all my gambits here: STICKIED: Sex Talk Gambits Compilation (And more).