Social Circle Isolation via Eye Contact and Touch | Girls Chase

Social Circle Isolation via Eye Contact and Touch

Chase Amante

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Skilled Seducer's picture
isolating girls in social circle gatheringsIsolating a girl during a social circle gathering where everyone sees everything is tricky. Use Ross’s eye contact flirting + touch technique to make it happen.

This post by Ross originally appeared on the forum here.

So, you're out and about with some friends messing around and doing God knows what, but this one girl met this other awesome girl and they are hanging out. She decides to bring that girl (who happens to be attractive) and you all hang out.

What do you do if you want to get this girl into a relationship, especially a sexual one?

What I have been using for some time now is an eye contact technique. You're set up in this group situation, and let’s say y'all are just messing around in someone's room. You want to create something personal and 1 on 1 with a girl, so anything vocal is out of the question, as your friends can hear it. So my solution? Eye contact and touch.


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