Hey guys and welcome back.
My students seek coaching to learn new material and understand what material to use, when, and in what order. They leave knowing when and how to use all types of material in a seduction context.
It's essential information for a successful seducer. What differentiates the pro from the intermediate is that the pro has this snap that less experienced guys lack. And that snap comes from pristine timings.
Good timings come from using the right material at the right time. When you learn this, your material truly hits-you get 100 % of its effect. A mistimed use of material will make it come off much duller and you'll obtain weaker results. This type of calibration is meso calibration, which means knowing which techniques to use and when.
Pros typically deliver techniques smoothly and calibrated: not too much or too little of the good stuff. This falls into the micro calibration category.
The third dimension is micro calibration, which is choosing which overarching strategy to opt for. Did you select the right strategy for the venue tonight? Did you choose the right venue?
For more, read about the three dimensions in the first part of this series, here:
Strategic Calibration: 3 Levels of Seductive Adjustment
Today, I want to guide you through thinking about strategic calibration in-field. It may inspire you to find your own way of reflecting on calibration while out. Other experienced guys may think a bit differently from me, although I I believe their thoughts follow a similar pattern.
Below is an example of how I think about calibration in-field. It is only an example. I hope these examples inspire you.
Let's begin by reviewing a few questions to ask yourself in-field that will help you make better decisions.