Here's a deceptively simple tactic:
Be friendly to every person you encounter.
Just yesterday we talked about conflict escalation and the dog-eat-dog world inside the prison system.
The good news is, you're a free man, and you're not in that kind of world. In this world, unless you venture into a bad part of town, you can and should be friendly to everybody.
Any time I've felt some rust or a renewed sense of approach anxiety, "be friendly to people" is the primary tactic I use to shake that off. Alek followed this same advice recently when he sought to warm up his social momentum after over a year of almost uninterrupted citywide lockdowns. It's simple, basic advice but it really works.
"Be friendly" has a ton of upsides for getting yourself approaching more easily with a lot less fear.
If you've only been doing targeted approaching -- where the only people you approach are sufficiently good-looking girls -- you may well find this alternate tactic a breath of fresh air.