Tactics Tuesdays: "Others Say" Teases | Girls Chase

Tactics Tuesdays: "Others Say" Teases

Chase Amante

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Chase Amante's picture
that's what the other said teaseWhen a woman hits you with a skeptical accusation, fire back with this clever response: the “others say” tease.

I wrote a quick post on X about these but I want to expand on the concept in a tactical article here.

An “others say” tease (or a pass-through tease) is a tease uniquely suited for dealing with tests and criticism. It’s a very simple tactic that nevertheless wraps up multiple tech in its execution:

It’s an optimal tactic for women who are skeptical or hostile to you, though you can also use it with girls at any stage with any level of interest.

Let’s have a look at how it works.


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