One of the requests we see periodically from guys ‘round these parts is for a system to meet girls on Instagram. It makes sense at first blush, because pretty much anywhere else you can find girls, there’s typically a way to pick them up – even if most guys will never really bother to learn to do it:
There’s stripper game you can use to pick up strippers at strip clubs.
There’s waitress game for picking up waitresses at restaurants, cafés, and bars.
There’s hired gun game for picking up female hired guns in general.
And as any guy who’s carved out a large-enough online presence for himself has found out, you can use the Internet to attract, date, and lay women – from adoring female fans to fellow influencers you actively seek out.
So there should be a way to meet girls on Instagram, you’d suspect.
After all, SOME guy is meeting them. These girls are dating guys SOMEHOW or other! Maybe even some guys who slid into their DMs?
Anyway, how can you make that guy those girls are dating be YOU?
The truth is, there are ways to meet girls on Instagram, sleep with them, and take them as girlfriends – but none of them are (as we shall see) quite what most guys asking for a way to meet hot Instagram girls hope…