Hey guys.
I hope you are all doing well.
Let’s get ready for some advanced stuff.
Today, I would like to reflect on how the typical “ends” in pickup and seduction are not what one should strive for (aside from shagging her, of course).
By ends, I am referring to what you want to accomplish, so you get her into bed:
Do you impress her?
Do you stimulate her?
Do you make her attracted? (I prefer the word “compliance”)
Are these ends the correct ones? That’s what we will discuss. I will cover the typical concepts of ends and why they are not real ends or simply just a means to an end.
Then I will cover what the real ends are.
This post should not be confused with “the end game” of seduction and whether your end goal with a woman is a relationship or casual sex. Only you can provide the answer to that question.
So we will discuss which ends to focus on to have the most results. This is a more objective approach than trying to answer the subjective question of what type of relationships you’d like to have with women.
I will start with basic concepts and get into complex stuff later. Let’s dive in.