I recently received an email from a long-time acquaintance who'd left England to begin traveling through Central and South America and get back to picking up girls again while also working as a yoga instructor.
He'd continued sleeping with average girls from dating apps over the lockdowns, then once his trip started, he bedded a few more average girls from hostels. Assuming all was good with his game, and he must be rust-free, he then proceeded to meet an extremely beautiful Argentinian girl... and it all fell apart.
He says:
I met physically my perfect girl who was working on the tour desks. She’s Argentinian and I’m really into Latin girls. I suggested she joined me for dinner and it went really well. I deep dived alot and after dinner moved her to a quiet sofa outside by the pool. She was a little bit tipsy by now from all the Argentinian wine at dinner, and was sitting super close to me. She also told me what an amazing evening she’d had and hugged me twice for a long time. It was the obvious escalation window, only I didn’t do anything!
My reasoning was that I’m new here and don’t want to seem like I was taking advantage of her when she was drunk. I figured I had loads of other opportunities. It was also late and I had to teach yoga in the morning. So we hugged and went our separate ways.
That was a big mistake! She text me the next morning saying how good a night she had. Now all I was thinking about is ‘this is going to be the hottest girl I’ve slept with, when can I get her alone again!’ So I went into full on chasing mode, suggesting she came with me on my weekend trip and suggesting a load of other potential dates. Plus inviting her to come and stay with me in London!
By time we had dinner it was the next week and by then her long distance boyfriend was unexpectedly coming to see her for a day later in the week. She’d also been offered a job in Tulum and was leaving at the weekend. This made me think ‘this is my last chance, need to impress her’ so I was way too high energy. Got her back to my room to drink wine on the balcony, but waited way too long to do anything, plus hadn’t been touching her or leading the conversation towards sex.
Also I’d been doing way too much deep diving that it had become an interview. She was tired so I knew it was my last chance, so tried to kiss her with no setup. She said she just wanted to keep things as they are as we get on really well and I said nothing to persuade her otherwise! I just waited a while and tried to escalate a couple more times, which again was chasing and unsuccessful.
I spoke to her a few times around the hostel in the week afterwards, but just casual friendly stuff. Turns out I’ll be in Tulum next weekend, she said let her know, but feel like it would be hard to arrange to see her without it seeming like I’m chasing. I was so mad with myself the next day! The escalation window had been wide open with a super hot girl, and I decided to walk away! But at least it lead to me re-reading a lot of your stuff!
Now, it wasn't like his game just completely disappeared. Because the very next day this happened:
The next day I had another tinder date with a Mexican girl who didn’t speak English. As I really didn’t care about her of course my game was great and quickly slept with her and had a great night!
He wraps up by asking:
Would you say there should be no difference between game with 10’s than average tinder date girls? If you haven’t written an article on this I think it’s an interesting topic. And how would you play seeing the Argentinian girl again?
I've written about that in places, in snippets, but I don't think I've ever devoted a complete article to the subject.
So, let's do that now. Let's talk about why guys screw up with really hot girls... and whether you can (and should) approach them exactly the same as more ordinary, average, or cute girls.