Why You Very, Very, Very Much Want a PROFESSIONAL Coach/Advisor (in Dating and Elsewhere!) | Girls Chase

Why You Very, Very, Very Much Want a PROFESSIONAL Coach/Advisor (in Dating and Elsewhere!)

Chase Amante

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why pay when advice is free?If he charges you money, isn’t it a scam? While scammers do exist, all the best advisors, instructors, & coaches in seduction or any field are PAID!

I’ve been coaching, writing, and selling programs in the ‘get girls’ / ‘have relationships’ space for the better part of two decades now. Every now and again we get guys who appear with the FULL CYNIC glasses on who accuse me of being motivated solely by acquisitive greed:

It's actually an easy charge for an outsider to make:

  1. We often don’t think of ‘advice’ as a job or service.

  1. You can get FREE advice, EVERYWHERE! From friends, random people online, etc. So why would you want to get advice from someone who does it for work?

  1. There’s a seeming conflict of interest with a paid instructor: if he’s paid to do it, can he really be disinterested? Someone who gives instruction totally unpaid seems more trustworthy!

This article is about why this mindset is aggressively stupid and traps the idiots who subscribe to it in valleys of ineffectuality and lackluster returns.

Remember: with advice, as with anything else, you get what you pay for.


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