Wingman Guide, Pt. 5: Calibrating to Your Wing | Girls Chase

Wingman Guide, Pt. 5: Calibrating to Your Wing

Chase Amante

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Alek Rolstad's picture
wingman calibrationTo get the most out of picking up girls with a wingman, the wings need to calibrate to each other. That means working together – and balancing each other’s game.

Hey guys and welcome back.

Today, I want to discuss calibration and additional strategies you can pull off with a wing. This post is an expansion to help perfect your wingmanning skills. We will discuss everything from in-set calibration pointers to state control, and decision-making with your wing.

Up to this point in our guide to wingmanning, we’ve covered a lot of information that may seem exhaustive. Remember, a perfect pickup and seduction does not exist. You will rarely use all the material you know and pull it off perfectly. It’s good to know that often you won’t need it.

The goal is to strive for perfection by giving you as many tools in these posts as possible to get the best results, and you can add or subtract tips and techniques depending on how you and your wing work together. Some methods may suit you; some may not. You may need some strategies to solve potential sticking points, and you should focus on applying these depending on your situation.

So, let’s go through some valuable tips and tricks.


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