Hey guys and welcome back.
So far in my now 6-part guide to wingmen, I have covered wingmanning fundamentals. Those posts should be enough to get you and your wing results—lots of results.
You can look at the previous posts as your A-to-Z guide on wingmanning. To review, we’ve covered:
- Wingmanning rules
- How to pick up and run interactions with a wing
- How to seal the deal with girls with a wing
- How to fully synchronize with your wingman
Today, we will step it up a notch and discuss how to deal with trickier wingman situations. This and next week’s posts are for more seasoned seducers and work as an “expansion pack” to my previous posts. The strategies covered below build upon what we’ve discussed, so check out my past five posts on wingmanning. Even if you are a seasoned wingman, you’ll likely find some tips in those posts that you may have missed to benefit your wingmanning game.