Hey everyone. I hope you are all doing well.
Earlier this year, a forum thread by veteran seducer Skills discussed observations about social changes in 2023. He writes about this annually, summarizing social changes while explaining reasons and providing cues and inputs about calibrating to these changes.
In that post, he mentioned several topics, but one that caught my attention was using sex talk (what Skills refers to as second-generation verbals).
From Skill’s original post:
… Physical game and even to some extent dance floor game are 1000% back, More physicality, more people making out at clubs, more pulls when women [are] out... Physical game is back, last year 2021 coming back, 2022 almost 100% back, 2023 was 1000% back, the use of second gen was pretty much nonexistent last year for most people even in lay reports gone...same with dance floor game back…
It pleases me that physical and dance floor game are returning to pre-COVID levels. I used to be good at it, and I miss it. I have been using it here and there and noticed it is making a slight comeback. Other than occasionally, I don’t intend to return to that game style, but I am pleased to see that physical game is returning.
The second part of his comment may seem less hopeful. I know that Skills refers to sex talk when he mentions “second gen.” His observations are partly correct. I responded to that thread with a more sympathetic answer than what I am about to cover, and most agreed with me in the thread. This is not to say Skills was wrong, but that sex talk needs tweaking.
And that is what I will discuss today.