Getting Laid with Hot Girls Wherever You Are: 7 Tips
Men are nuanced beings in many ways, but there are also some very certain ways in which men are actually quite simple. And there are a few things about all men that I know to be true:
Men like hot girls (whatever “hot” means to them and assuming that they’re straight)
Men like getting laid (no further qualification needed here)
Men (straight men, anyway) like getting laid with hot girls
And yet, the unfortunate truth is that so few men are able to make it to step three. Some guys get laid with massive infrequency and with mediocre looking girls. Some guys are unable to bring hot girls into their lives, and if they do, are only able to do so playing the role of orbiter or solid friend zone friend. Some guys are able to sleep with a hot girl by fluke or once in a blue moon.
And then there are the few. The few men who are able to get laid with a high amount of consistency – regardless of location – with the most beautiful of women. They don’t do so all the time, but definitely often enough to keep the good times rolling. And even when they come short, they have enough core confidence to not even care anyway.
So today I want to talk to you about how to become one of the few.