Articles by Author: Colt Williams | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Colt Williams

Getting Laid with Hot Girls Wherever You Are: 7 Tips

Colt Williams's picture

Men are nuanced beings in many ways, but there are also some very certain ways in which men are actually quite simple. And there are a few things about all men that I know to be true:

  1. Men like hot girls (whatever “hot” means to them and assuming that they’re straight)

  2. Men like getting laid (no further qualification needed here)

  3. Men (straight men, anyway) like getting laid with hot girls

getting laid

And yet, the unfortunate truth is that so few men are able to make it to step three. Some guys get laid with massive infrequency and with mediocre looking girls. Some guys are unable to bring hot girls into their lives, and if they do, are only able to do so playing the role of orbiter or solid friend zone friend. Some guys are able to sleep with a hot girl by fluke or once in a blue moon.

And then there are the few. The few men who are able to get laid with a high amount of consistency – regardless of location – with the most beautiful of women. They don’t do so all the time, but definitely often enough to keep the good times rolling. And even when they come short, they have enough core confidence to not even care anyway.

So today I want to talk to you about how to become one of the few.

How to Have Sex with American Girls

Colt Williams's picture

We’ve written many posts on this site geared toward Western men on how to game and have sex with women from various regions of the world. Such as:

These are all great pieces with loads of information to sink your teeth into courting foreign beauties. But what about guys from other parts of the world who want to game here in the States, or American girls traveling the world or living abroad? What about those who want a taste of lady liberty for themselves?

american girls

This one is for you.

Why Women Want Multiple Partners

Colt Williams's picture

There have been many articles written on this site about fidelity (or lack thereof) and on unraveling what society has told you in order to reveal the true nature and promiscuity of women. These are articles like:

And lately a lot of men in my life have been realizing that a woman’s relationship status is often tenuous and – even more concerning – actually a poor indicator as to whether or not she would actually sleep with you (even if that status is “married”). It’s definitely an unsettling realization to come to. But, unsettling by whose standards? Certainly not by Mother Nature’s.

multiple partners

Up until this point we have yet to fully cover why women want multiple partners. But believe it or not, it’s actually in a woman’s best interest to sleep with multiple men. So today I’m going to cover why women take on – or desire to take on – multiple partners and how we as men can adapt, understand, and come to terms with that fact.

How to Have Sex with Thai Girls

Colt Williams's picture

If there is any place in the world that will play host to your desire for debauchery, thirst for intrigue, sense of adventure, and search for hospitality, it’s the country that lies in the heart of Southeast Asia. Forget about Vegas. What happens in Thailand, stays in Thailand.

I saw some pretty unspeakable things – both phenomenal and regrettable – while I was living there. But no matter what things were going down, the one truth that was always intact was the fact that there was no shortage of sex with Thai girls.

thai girls

Having sex with Thai girls isn’t very hard in terms of the act itself, but there are some things you’ll need to know in order to make it happen and maintain a positive rapport afterward. So today I’m going to break all of these steps down.

How Important Is It to Have Fun When Meeting Women?

Colt Williams's picture

A lot of guys want to be the cool, suave guy. They want to be the stoic James Bond type who smoothly and aloofly maneuvers his way through an interaction and ends up with a girl in his bed.

But a lot of guys neglect the fact that even Bond had to go through a whole lot of BS to get to that point. And even though he’s suave, Bond is always having a great time when he’s seducing a woman.

have fun meeting women

The fact is: seduction should be fun. And the fact is: most people won’t be like James Bond. You have to have a very particular kind of personality to be that way. However, a lot of guys can learn how to have fun and greatly boost their results with women.

So let’s look at the importance of having fun in your interactions, and how it affects your success and satisfaction.

How to Have Sex with a New Girl Regularly

Colt Williams's picture

You read seduction blogs. You improve your style. You learn how to approach girls. You purchase quality materials like Chase’s book. But to what end?

I think there are only two ends to learning seduction: sex and relationships. You can have sex without relationships, but you can’t have relationships without sex (at least not good ones). So really, you put in all of this effort to learn how to have sex with new girls. Maybe you want to sleep with just one new girl – a perfectly fine goal.

However, I think the ultimate aim for most men is to learn how to have sex on a consistent, regular basis. That’s what we’re in the game for. As with most worthwhile things in life, it’s easier said than done.

sex with a new girl

If you want to learn how to walk that path… read on.

Truly Beautiful Women Have More Than Looks: 7 Long-Term Things to Look For

Colt Williams's picture

Beautiful women – they are the desire of men the world over. You could look at them, talk to them, talk about them, and be in their presence until the day’s end.

beautiful women

Or could you? Is having a beautiful woman at your side the key to your happiness…or is there more? Today I’m going to break down the concept of beauty and what we men really need to be happy in the long term with the women in our lives.

Why Women Love BDSM

Colt Williams's picture

Drexel recently wrote a very choice article titled “Creating an Environment for Bondage and Sexperimentation”, and I wanted to continue to expand on this theme and really examine why women actually love BDSM to the extent that they do.

If you’re at all unfamiliar with the term, BDSM is an abbreviation for three distinct sex-related word pairs: bondage and discipline (BD), dominance and submission (DS), and sadism and masochism (SM). Sounds like quite a handful, pretty far outside the ordinary, doesn’t it? But it isn’t so extraordinary as you might think.


Don’t believe that each and every woman in your life hasn’t fantasized about some form of BDSM at least once in her life? Just go ahead and ask all the women you know well. I’m sure you’d be surprised at the result. So let’s look at the motivations and hidden desires that lead to women fantasizing about BDSM.

How to Have Sex with Hot College Girls

Colt Williams's picture

Ah, college – the land of ample, hassle-free social interactions and zero sexual inhibitions. For many men, there are very few times in their lives when they have so much sexual opportunity.

Yet, many of them don’t take full advantage of the number of hot college girls available to them. So today, I’m going to talk about how to up your game with these higher institution beauties, and take full advantage of the abundance that’s truly available to you.

How to Dirty Talk to Women… The Right Way

Colt Williams's picture

Have you ever had dirty thoughts about a girl? Have you ever wanted to tell her exactly what you want to do to her until she’s hot and sweaty and ready to claw your clothes off?

dirty talk

Well, if I know most men, you’ve probably kept those thoughts and words to yourself. You may have even withheld them while you were hooking up with a girl for fear that she might get offended and leave. But let me tell you, she’s waiting for you to break out the dirty talk. So today I’m going to talk about how to dirty talk with women the right way, and how to take your experience and hers to the next level.