Articles by Author: Hector Castillo | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Hector Castillo

Women Will Try to Control You (But They Want to Fail)

Hector Castillo's picture
women try to control youWomen you have relationships will try to control you, no doubt. But they don’t want to control you. They want to fail at controlling you.

The doom and gloom narrative promoted by philosophies like “the red pill” suggests that relationships and marriages resemble a covert tug-of-war match.

If the man wins the struggle, the woman remains submissive and compliant, allowing the man to maintain his authority. If the woman wins, she becomes defiant and disrespectful, and the man loses power.

As the man wins more fights, he solidifies his masculinity. His woman stays attracted and loyal. He’s a confident, strong, boss pimp daddy gigachad.

As the woman wins more fights, the man becomes castrated and weak. She loses attraction, and if it reaches a breaking point, she will cheat on him and suck the cock of a superior, dominant male. Later, she kisses the cuckold on the mouth so he can have a taste of what he used to be—a real man.

It’s a brutal zero-sum view of relationships.

Is it true? In some ways, yes. In some ways, no. It’s not sexy to answer things like that, but it’s true.

Can reality be that harsh? Yes, it can. I know this because I’ve experienced both sides. I’ve been the guy whose woman slowly wore him down and betrayed him. I’ve also been the guy who confidently pushed and took the women of other men, only to see those women return to their boyfriends to sleep with them the very next day

I’m not proud and profoundly regret it, but it happened.

I’ve also been witness to many men getting screwed over, either by the woman or by the woman and another man. However, these are rare.

Usually, when I pursued girls with boyfriends or husbands, they would firmly reject me, and the girl remained loyal to her man. Considering how most relationships go, I don’t think the man was always smashing her right or being overly dominant. Most guys struggle to manage their relationships well (more on that later). This part of my answer discusses how “reality can be brutal, and guys ARE getting slowly castrated.”

But despite guys not running relationships well, their girls were not ready to hop on Hector’s chorizo and take a ride to pound town.

Why not?

Unless the girl’s a piece of crap, her threshold for “I’m going to cuck the man I love” is relatively high. For some girls, it’s so high that it would take a miracle of perfect circumstances for it to happen.

For some girls, the bar isn’t quite so high. A small percentage of girls will cheat even if their man sneezes wrong.

There are three major factors for a girl to reach the point where she will cheat:

  1. Her character (habits, values, personality)

  1. The man’s performance (his level of dominance, his level of loving and caring for her, how he is in bed)

  1. Her environment (she meets a hot guy with game, has protective friends, or friends who encourage cheating)

This article is not about cheating, but we use this scenario to illustrate my point. We are focusing on #2, your performance.

Why do you need good performance? Because girls will test you.

Most tests are mundane, day-to-day trials that seem inconsequential. But, as with most things in life, how you perform those small things is how you do everything.

If you don’t see how your small interactions with your girlfriend or wife set the tone for the entire relationship, you need more self-awareness or knowledge if you want a successful relationship.

Women test their men all the time. Every moment of a relationship may be a test. It’s not a test in the sense that she is sitting there plotting scenarios to see how you react. Those situations are rare. The word “test” is too melodramatic most of the time.

Women see how you react over time and will form opinions of you depending on how you handle yourself in different settings. I’m not saying women never test men. There are certainly times when women will actively test men, both subconsciously and consciously.

However, this doesn’t really matter. You need to perform. If you can perform at 95% efficiency, then all the better. But if your performance drops to 40%, you risk losing your partner over time. Sometimes, you may find yourself in a nightmare scenario without realizing that small, poor decisions have slowly accumulated over months and years leading to this situation.

Seductive Speech: Make Her Feel Like She's on Vacation

Hector Castillo's picture
give women the vacation they desireMost women feel trapped in drudgery as they go through life. Yet via seductive speech & imagery, you can draw them into a pleasurable vacation they won’t want to leave.

For most girls, life is not too exciting.

Those who live exciting lives struggle with stress. It accumulates whether it’s work, family drama, friend drama, health problems, money problems, or a lack of time to do everything they want.

Girls, like everyone else, don’t like stress. But what do they do about it?

Some drink, some smoke, some party and dance, some watch movies, some eat, and some read. All these solutions share the same idea: chase pleasure to distract from stress and pain.

Now, let’s ask a question: why do girls date men? What attracts them to men?

I’m not asking about whether it’s your game, looks, height, or whatever you think that women like (it’s all those things and more, by the way). What I’m asking is, if you had to pick ONE thing that motivates women to date men, what would it be?

The answer is the same as: “Why do you date women?”

For pleasure.

The Player Paradox: Why You Get Worse with Girls as You Get Better

Hector Castillo's picture
TEXTOnce you reach a certain level with women, you encounter a new snag: girls like you, but are skeptical of you. To move past this, you’ll need to shed the mantle of “The Player.”

As you become more experienced with women, you will see better results.

More girls give you approach invitations, and they enjoy your approaches. They give you their number and go on a date with you. They sleep with you quickly. And it’s a great feeling when you level up. But it’s not all harems and orgasms. There will be a time that you hit a wall.

You’ll start to see some odd things happen:

  • Girls will give you signals and flirt, but then they’ll disappear once you begin the seduction and even after you believe you hit the hook point.

  • She won’t respond to your first text, even though she was all over you when you first met.

  • She will respond to your texts but is elusive when you try to set up a date. Although she responds with warmth and affection in her text, she always seems too busy to meet.

  • The girls you go on dates with will be flirty but on-guard. You might make out with her, but when you try to get her home, it feels like you are trying to sell oil to a Saudi prince.

  • Girls will react well, or you receive cold and bitchy responses. You experience very polarizing reactions.

These strange, counterintuitive results will pile up, and your confidence may plummet. You might begin to slide backward and have less success than when you were less experienced.

Girls will start to reject you outright. Then, your results will nosedive. You might get occasional successes, but you’ve hit a slump.

What’s going on? You’re better than that! You’re the man.

Well, if you really were the man, you’d know what’s going on and fix this problem (or never have it in the first place). You have some work to do if you want to get better. So, what’s the issue?

You’ve stumbled upon The Player Paradox (I need to trademark and copyright this phrase because it’s genius).

[WATCH] Day Game Coaching Student Goes IN-FIELD (Real Time Coaching)

Hector Castillo's picture

Have you ever wanted to see what it looks like for a student to get coached live, in-field, to do better with girls he approaches on the street?

Well believe it or not I had a super gracious student of mine who allowed me to record and share one of our coaching sessions where he went live into the field to make approaches and take me with him.

[WATCH] Dating Is Not a Talent; It's a Skill

Hector Castillo's picture

Have you gotten stuck in the rut of treating dating like a roll of the dice? 🎲

Are you relying too much on “shooting your shot” with girls 🎯, hoping it will just work out… only to find yourself frustrated when once again the chips don’t fall your way?

Do you find yourself retreating onto dating apps, swiping over and over on girls’ profiles 📱, being disappointed with the number and quality of the matches you get?

Then it might be time to get serious about dating – and treat it not like a gamble, but like a skill.

Watch the video below to see if it’s time for you.

Why Online Dating Is the WORST Way to Meet Women

Hector Castillo's picture

Online dating: it feels super easy, doesn't it?

I mean, you just hop on that app and start swiping.

Beautiful women come flooding into view!

And yet, no matter how much swiping you do, you don't get anywhere NEAR the results you know you ought to.

I mean, with as good your pics look... and as clever as your messages are... shouldn't you be getting something BETTER than this?

Even once you figure it out and do start lining up matches, you run into some other issues.

Dating in Your Social Circle: Good Idea?

Hector Castillo's picture

If you know me, you know I've been known as the 'King of College'.

In fact, I've even got a book with that title!

And after blazing my way through the beds of many dozens of sexy co-eds... plus doing all kinds of social circle seducin' in the years since...

Well, let's just say I've arrived at a clear perspective on both the good and the not so hot about getting with women from your social circle.

There are some positives to it, for sure.

Picking Up Girls in Bars & Nightclubs Is Overrated

Hector Castillo's picture

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's bad or it doesn't work.

Just that it's overrated.

A lot of guys make out nightlife to be this mystical pinnacle of seduction.

It's been sort of built up in movies and it has this whole dreamy, seductive mood about it.

But take it from a guy who's picked up plenty in nightlife and worked in the nightlife industry for years... it's not the best.

Meet Girls Everywhere: FINAL Trailer

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The FINAL "Meet Girls Everywhere" trailer is out now.

Give it a watch right here...

Next week, we kick things up a notch with the release of a series of videos I've put together in advance of the release. Sign up below -- you won't want to miss these...

Watch the Meet Girls Everywhere Teaser Trailer

Hector Castillo's picture

Hey guys, Hector Castillo here.

Got something special for you coming up, just in time for summer.

Give the teaser trailer a watch, and get yourself ready to start meeting girls... everywhere...