Articles by Author: Skilled Seducer | Girls Chase

Articles by Author: Skilled Seducer

Skilled Seducer of the Month, January 2025: James D

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Our Skilled Seducer of January 2025 is forum member James D, who’s posted a string of impressive day game lays (including several same-day public sex day game lays). In this interview, Chase Amante chats with James about his experience, his vibe, various sticking points he’s encountered over the years, and how he pulls off his pickups.

Listen to the interview here:

Skilled Seducer of the Month, December 2024: Allen Iverson

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Skilled Seducer of the Month: Allen IversonTraveler, romantic, and prolific seducer Allen Iverson (not the basketball player) discusses his adventures and seductions. Here’s how he gets laid.

Welcome to this month’s Skilled Seducer award. In this interview, we talk with Allen Iverson (a pseudonym to protect his identity; he’s not actually the Hall of Fame basketball player), a long-time member of the Skilled Seducer Forum and a playboy who’s been on an absolute tear all year.

At the time we spoke (in late October) he’d already picked up and slept with 47 women throughout 2024 – and he still had more time left in the year.

How’s he pulling off his incredible lays?

What’re the secrets to his game?

Dive into this interview, and we’ll get to know his potent approach together.

Reduce Her LMR by Teasing Her with Sex Earlier On

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TEXTRather than pull a girl home as soon as she’s ready, you can delay the pull and tease her a bit. Why do this? Simple: to face less (or no) LMR at your place.

This post by Bboy100 originally appeared on our forum here.

One good way to reduce the chances of running into LMR is to make a girl really want it. Tease her. And I don't just mean once you already have her isolated. I mean throughout the date(s) in general.

Take your time; enjoy her company.

Take your mind off fucking her, and just worry about having a good time.

If you adopt this mindset, what you'll notice if you're at least somewhat decent at reading her signals is that she'll eventually seem receptive to you making a move on her. That is, she'll want you to kiss her, isolate her or more.

Don't do this yet.

Just casually keep going on with the date.

Everything Is Sex or Sexual

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it's all sexNature is infused with sex and reproduction. Female behavior regarding men is too. Here’s how you can use that to enhance your sexual rapport with women.

This post by Cody Lyans originally appeared on our forum here.

Talking is sex, the pause between words is sex, touching her hand is sex.

Her interest in your eyes is sex.

This mindset used at the right time can get you ready and prepared to make your moves in slow incremental but potent ways. Just adding the perception of “this is sex or sexual” can turn a simple “hi” into something more intense.


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show her the leashA simple way to quickly sexualize things with girls and open them up to kinky sex: show them the leash and collar in your place (or pics on your phone).

This post by Hector Papi Castillo originally appeared on our forum here.

Just spent a beautiful night with a beautiful girl.

We had some VERY kinky sex. First night lay (and first "date," actually). We met through social circle while out at a club. I was with a different girl that I'm banging (who is a friend of her friend), but I still got her Instagram I think afterwards while adding all the people I met (I don't think I directly asked her though; I just knew she would add me back and be responsive to messages).

Then I ended up seeing her at a different club (but now I wasn't with the other girl) and we flirted hard. Chatted a BUNCH over Instagram then had a dinner/movie date at my house. Banged within ~5 minutes of being in the house.

Anyways, I started going into details on the forum chat (which is dope; we should get that going hot. Conversation is more insightful than a post), and realized quickly something that I do a lot these days to help make seductions faster/more fun.

So I came to post about it.

Giving Her a "Set the Drinks Down" Kiss at Your Place

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the drinks down kissA simple, potent way to ease into a romantic kiss: get her comfortable, get her a drink, then after a moment set down your drink, take hers, and kiss her.

This post by Franco originally appeared on our forum here.

Kissing is a hard subject to write on.

There are definitely fundamentals that can be learned to improve your technique, but what really drives women wild is if you know how psychologically get them excited to be kissing you in the first place.

This all depends on

  1. The mood,
  2. The setting, and
  3. The build-up to the kiss.

My main reason for writing this is that I would love to contribute a killer method for landing the first kiss and making a girl melt in your arms.

Skilled Seducer of the Month, October 2024: Kaida

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Skilled Seducer of the Month, October 2024: KaidaSkilled seducer Kaida discusses his progress from awkward high school student to college Casanova with 20+ lays – plus what he still has yet to master.

Picking Up Girls at Daytime Brunches

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how to pick up girls at brunch barsWant to pick up somewhere with plenty of hot, rowdy women who’ve had a little to drink, but don’t want to stay out late? Pick up girls at daytime brunches!

This post by DoWhatWorks originally appeared on our forum here.

TLDR: Go to girly “brunches” that are hosted in big bars or small clubs and arrive as they close around 5-6 PM. Talk to girls who’ve been there since 1 PM, have sex by midnight.

I did this last weekend (didn’t bother writing it up because it was a “just don’t mess up situation” with not much game used) & guys in my circle have been doing this too.

These venues have crazy ratios with horny girls and hardly any guys there as we’re typically lazy/unorganised & don’t plan activities or events.

The hardest part is finding the right brunch event, venue & time combination but once you do, it’s easy if you have game & are willing to approach.

Feeling, Building, and Managing Sexual Tension with Women

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creating & managing sexual tension with girlsSome things raise sexual tension with women – like eye contact and silence – while others (joking, talking) release it. Plus: how to rebuild lost tension.

This post by PrettyDecent originally appeared on our forum here.

Hey fellas,

Thought I’d throw a quick post to the boards before heading out for the evening ;)

When I first started this journey (meeting women), I’d talk to a lot of women, and I was getting laughs and comfort pretty quickly. But when I grabbed their phone number, they generally weren’t answering or were pretty stubborn about planning a date.

Of course, the reason for flaking and bad numbers isn’t the same for everyone – but sexual tension is a key part in making any interaction move forward.

She needs to feel some initial spark of attraction before she complies with you.

So hopefully this post shall shed some light for folks struggling here!

The keywords are tension and pressure. When you’re in a conversation with a girl, she should be feeling nervous around you. And here’s the secret: you ought to be feeling nervous, too! Why is this? Because tension is felt by both people, but one cracks during the pressure, and the other puts up a face of calm.

If you’ve ever heard of the game “chicken”, you’ll know what I mean – two people in their cars drive toward each other in a potential head-on collision to see who will bow out first. The guy can win and the girl will continue to feel (more) sexual attraction toward him, or he’ll lose and be that much closer to the friend zone.

Here are some examples.

How to Become a High Status Hero in Your Social Circle Scene

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how to become popular in your sceneYou’ve joined a new scene with new people. How do you rise to the top and break into the ‘in’ crowd? Follow these 9 popularity rules & you WILL get there!

This post by MonsieurLabrie originally appeared on our forum here.