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Men Style

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Wealthy Lifestyle Game: How to Get Laid when You Have Money, Pt. 2

Varoon Rajah's picture

how to get laid when you have money
As a wealthy guy, it’s harder to get fast sex with women because they peg you as a provider rather than a lover. Combat this by disqualifying yourself as a provider!

Welcome to Part 2 of the Art of Wealthy Lifestyle Game! We continue to explore why wealthy lifestyle game can net you some killer results with women, sometimes more than poor/broke game!

In Part 1, we covered these key concepts:

  • Power in authority makes men attractive to women
  • Wealthy lifestylers should raise their standards to benefit from game
  • Flaunt your wealth
  • Host cool events and build your social circle

These ideas are foundational concepts as to why wealthy lifestyle game can work. As you can probably tell, this game style is a little more niche. When thinking about raising your standards, your high-end lifestyle could alienate you from many lower-class women. They may see you as so high value that you’re unattainable (like your Ferrari to their Toyota).

But then, to other women, you’re simply a potential provider. Plenty of women get educations, great careers, and high-paying jobs, plus the lifestyle and high fashion to boot, in the hopes of meeting a guy with this status to lock him down.

As we know well (believe me, I know this ALL TOO well), girls will make you wait, and won’t give in to sex easily when they’ve met their prize. Indeed, once discovered, the wealthy lifestyler is a major prize for many women.

As I said long ago, where poor/broke game excels is in the ability for such guys to be a lover right off the bat and throughout the process. It’s congruent with the lover profile, and girls love the idea of throwaway sex when they’re horny! On the flip side, wealthy lifestylers run a high risk of being slotted into the potential provider category. This can slow them down or make things nearly impossible with girls.

So let's focus on ways to combat the provider frame and find success, despite this restriction.

Wealthy Lifestyle Game: How to Get Laid when You Have Money, Pt. 1

Varoon Rajah's picture

how to get laid when you have money
My previous article was about getting laid while broke. Now let’s talk about the other end of the spectrum – wealthy lifestyle game – and how to make the best of it.

In my last article, we covered a popular topic on the Girls Chase boards about the art of poor and broke man game.

This popular style of game is immensely successful and powerful. It involves influencing a girl with your vibe and attractive behavior, regardless of how successful you are in life. A major benefit is that you start directly at the lover category in the girl’s eyes as you move forward by providing good emotions and elicit sexual feelings to progress sexually.

Most "ladies men" tend to fall into the poor/broke category. Others include bartenders, artists, musicians, adventurers, tour guides, and frat boys. And as I mentioned, poor/broke game is not to be confused with deadbeats, who instead repel women no matter how hard they try.

Now let’s talk about the counterpart to poor/broke game: the wealthy lifestyle game. Some guys dream about this category. At the end of the wealthy spectrum, we have the Dan Bilzerians, Elon Musks, NBA basketball players, and sports legends, plus many seducers and coaches in the commercial dating arena who are wealthy and successful business owners.

You don’t need to be famous and super-wealthy to benefit from this kind of game style. Guys should be more concerned with the pitfalls of dating outside the poor/broke game. Wealthy guys who don’t quickly establish themselves firmly as a lover, and are remotely attractive and cool, start to become potential providers to women, which will potentially slow down or stall courtship.

It can get tough when you’re a decently successful and good-looking guy with a stable income, nice belongings, a good job, a great place, cool friends, a car — you get the point. This type of guy is distinctly average and nothing special. Even though he’s financially better off than the poor/broke guy, he may lack the sex appeal of the average Joe.

Wealthy lifestyle game is a nuanced way of structuring your “average” middle-class life to net the most returns with women, by elevating yourself in wealth and value. I believe that this style of game and the steps below become more potent when you combine them with actual financial success. The following tips can explode in effectiveness with more money in the mix.

This doesn’t mean that with money, you can forget about attractive behavior!

Poor Man's Game – Can Guys Without Money Get Women?

Varoon Rajah's picture

dating without money
Fact: women will sleep with poor guys faster than wealthy dudes. In this article, I explain why that is and the vital differences between poor guys and deadbeats.

The Cheap vs. Poor article I wrote a few weeks ago generated some ideas for me as well as for some members of the Girls Chase forum. In that article, I explained the differences between "cheap" behavior and just being poor. I think it’s also valuable to talk about poor game and getting laid without money.

I want to give credit to some of the posters on the forum. They’ve inspired me, providing much of the meat for this post, and the article to follow on gaming with money.

Let me first point out that, in this article, we're only considering sex with non-prostitutes (a rich guy can obviously buy pussy whenever his junk twitches). No, we're talking about getting laid through the art of pickup and seduction, not money-for-sex situations.

If you were to take a sample of a few game-oriented guys, seducers, and naturals, it’s the poor guys who get laid the most and in the shortest time frames.

That may seem counterintuitive to you if you're new around here, but it is so much easier to get laid without money than with money; some say it’s not even comparable. Good news for you poor guys if you're only finding this out now!

As forum member "YS" has pointed out:

“When you're just a free-spirit lover retard running around, everything is so congruent. When you're wearing a three-piece suit, running companies, blowing off fires all day, it’s really hard to just be free and flirty with random college girls (or any woman for that matter).”

I think this is true, which is why we wonder about the types of guys some women end up with. We see hot girls with dudes who look like losers on the surface, but these same guys give her the good feelings (and good sex) she craves.

In general, none of the world’s wealthiest guys are getting laid remotely as well as the carefree, cool pothead on your street, the party-going surfer dude, the starving artist/musician, or your free-spirited traveler nomading in some far corner of the world.

Some guys can’t believe this. They think that broke guys cannot have girlfriends, that you need money after a certain age, that women of a certain caliber don’t date poor men. While that may be true for much of the population, it’s not true for the ladies’ man, for the guys who know how to get laid consistently. There are a few notable examples within the PUA community (for instance, Mystery did not have much money, yet was often with “10” quality strippers, and had relationships with them).

Master the Vibe: The Best Seducers Attune to Vibe

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

seductive vibe
Beginner seducers often focus a lot on rules. Yet master seducers may break rules. The reason? Rules are only good so long as they help the VIBE.

A long time ago, there was a monthly subscription course called Master the Vibe (MTV) put out by a couple of guys I really respected. Some of my early newsletters went out to the MTV email list, back before I'd founded Girls Chase.

The Master the Vibe product was simple: one of the coaches would go out, record himself picking up a girl, mostly during the daytime, then they'd break down the pickup from first approach to the close of the seduction (typically with the girl back at his place or in bed). It was a wonderful product.

At the time, I thought the name Master the Vibe was curious. Just sort of a neat-sounding name, that referred to vibing, because being able to vibe is good, and having a good vibe is good.

Yet as I moved beyond intermediate with girls, and as I began to hang out with more and more highly skilled naturals, I realized vibe isn't just a thing that helps you do better with women (and people in general).

Vibe is actually kind of the point.

6 Things You Must Do Before You Find Your Calling

Tony Depp's picture

By: Tony Depp

find your calling
Will you be content if you find your calling? Since we're wired to always want more than what we have, maybe not. But these 6 things will at least make life interesting.

You want to find your calling or your purpose, but have no idea where to start? If you’ve ever thought about this, you’re a rare phenomenon. The vast majority of people never strive for anything more than filling their bellies and maybe going on a two-week vacation once a year.

Perhaps you’re bored, lonely, or broke, and that’s why you want to find your calling. Because if you were challenged, entertained, and enlightened, you wouldn’t be going through existential angst. You’d be happy with yourself and your life, and everything would be damn perfect, right?

How to Attract Your "Type" of Girl, Part 2: By Race

Varoon Rajah's picture

how to attract your type of girl
In Part 2, we go over some girl types (by race) and their general preferences in men. We also lay out the fundamentals you’ll want to develop in order to get with them.

In Part 1 of this series, we talked about how every guy specializes in certain kinds of women as they get better in the game. We discussed the key ingredient to specialize in women (your fundamentals): how you stylize your appearance and behavior. Your image to others will attract or repel particular types of women. Therefore, changing this is the key to a successful specialty.

Of course, guys also want specific types of girls. Maybe you’re a foreign guy who longs for a western blonde woman, or you’re a white or black guy who wants to experience a foreign, exotic beauty.

Either way, there are two groups of women: (1) the women who are attracted to your current looks and behavior, and (2) the women you want. Combining those two groups into one is the crux of successful specialization.

Guys hit a slam dunk when they successfully modify their fundamentals and appearance to be naturally attractive to the same women that they seek! In other words, you can change yourself and your appearance to attract the women you want in your life.

Even better, a girl’s preference is only a part of what she wants. Game is dependent on building a girl’s desire with you in the moment. You can get plenty of girls for whom you are not their preference, simply by instigating and creating their desire through the use of game.

How to Attract Your "Type" of Girl, Part 1: Fundamentals

Varoon Rajah's picture

how to attract your type of girl
Every guy has a “type” of girl that tickles his fancy more than others, whether it’s about her looks or personality. What can you do to get your type chasing you?

Every guy has a "type." When most of us think of women, we think of physical features first over the personality attributes we seek. Both are important, especially in long-term game (relationships are a completely different skillset from pickup). However, the place to start is to get girls with the physical appearance we want, because this is what will ultimately drive our attraction from the get-go.

If you’re a beginner to seduction or the dating game in general, just learning the ropes around women, you may not really know the “type” of girl you’re actively seeking yet. Most likely, you’re physically attracted to a particular type or an “idea” of a girl, and that’s what catches your eye. Once you start having good experiences and successes with women, your desires will change.

We also live in a time, especially in the West, when it’s very easy to date nearly any race or culture if you live in a place with diversity. For instance, New York City has the density and diversity of almost every culture on Earth, plus all the tourists who visit from around the world (and many women seek short flings with a New York guy). The same dynamic exists in Miami, Hawaii, resorts in the Caribbean, and various locations throughout Europe and Asia.

For some guys, there are tons of options for meeting many kinds of women. Being a New Yorker, I can pursue and date almost any race and culture, whether she’s American, an immigrant, or a tourist. For other places, you don’t necessarily have these options. And even then, it takes some time to find just what kind of girl suits your fancy. Physical appearance is certainly desirable for a single sexual experience. Still, if you want something more than a one-night stand, it comes to more than just physical appearance.

I do think that experience and good game helps you get many kinds of women. However, as you grow better and your tastes morph, you start to specialize in certain types of women, both in appearance and personality. In this two-part series, we’ll cover this in-depth.

Alek's Sexy Seducer Fashion Guide

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

fashion guide
As seducers, we want to be noticed and make a great impression before we even talk to a girl. Good fashion accomplishes that, and here’s how I go about it.

Hey, guys. I hope you are doing great. Today I want to discuss style and grooming. Now, I am not hired as a writer here on Girls Chase to write about style, nor am I a professional fashion writer.

But for years, clothing has been a favorite hobby of mine. I've discovered that how you dress is important when meeting women, but it is not like women will love you for your clothes.

However, dressing badly can be a game killer.

See, a woman cares about how she is perceived, and if you don’t dress well, she will not feel comfortable being seen with you. This could potentially ruin your chances of getting the girl. You may have read my earlier articles on female state control (FSC). I wrote articles about social value and how a minimum threshold of social value is required to avoid women holding back and resisting. Dressing appropriately is clearly one of the key fundamentals for success with women. Your fashion must fit the function!

You may also become a bit like me, who happens to be deep into fashion. That’s cool. Dressing crazy good can even get women to approach you on the street. But that requires next-level fashion skills that take much time and effort to acquire. It must become a full-time hobby.

I participate in fashion competitions and have won one so far. These usually take place at fashion clubs in big cities in Europe.

In the community, I’ve been known to be one of the most flamboyantly dressed players. That said, I will refrain from turning into a fashion blogger, although I will share some overall guidelines.

The Dynamics of Meeting Women when It’s Not a Priority

Varoon Rajah's picture

women not a priority
When other things in life take priority over meeting women, it can hurt you, or help you. Which depends on the vibe you give out and your ability to pick up on signals.

Sometimes you’re just not in the mood to get with new girls. It happens to all of us. People have slumps when they’re not succeeding with women, or they’re simply too busy with day-to-day life. Heavy work, social commitments, school, tests, or even extensive work travel can deeply interfere with your dating goals.

I’ve faced this problem often as I am now self-employed. Work travel commitments call, and while it opens interesting opportunities with women in new places, I can also kiss my regular dating life goodbye.

Cold approach success, whether in day game or night game, requires some consistency. We can best describe momentum as the consistency of success. It’s like being hot-handed in basketball; in momentum, you’re in a mental zone conducive to a winning game. Whether you call it a vibe or a state of mind, your decision-making and efforts are in tune, and everything you do conveys the winner’s attitude that women find very attractive in men.

When you experience low momentum and low desire, the results are different. Socialization, especially with women, might feel tedious in such periods. Your vibe is just “off,” as are your results. The good news is that all issues with low momentum and desire are solvable, and quickly.

It’s easy to shift out of it if you know how!

Should You Eat Ass? (Video)

Hector Castillo's picture

Eating ass. It’s a movement. A religion. A hype. A way of life.

But should you do it? Does it make you more “manly” to her?

Is it a dom move? Or a sub move?

Papi answers these questions and more in this video.