Tactics Tuesdays: Fun Ways to Use Reverse Psychology
“You shouldn’t do this” – there’s no better way to get someone to
do it than to tell her not to. Here’s how to use reverse psychology in
dating and relationships.
In a comment on my article last week about orgasm anchoring, a reader named Edgy asks:
“Hey Chase! Any perspectives on how reverse psychology ties in with seduction?”
... and absolutely; it’s a real fun topic.
(aside: apologies for my delays on responding to comments, by the
We’re doing a reshoot of several of the One Date lessons in May +
shooting a bunch of other stuff, and all the logistical, writing, and
managing prep for that has left me even less time than usual. I will
get to comments, though!)
The gist of reverse psychology is that you advocate for the opposite
of what you want someone to think, feel, or do. “Do not push!” written
on a button, for instance – you can’t help but want to push that
button, just to see what happens.
In terms of dating and relationships, that might mean you tell your date or girlfriend to do the opposite of what you in fact wish her to do. Or it might mean you act like you support the position opposite the one you hope she herself will choose.
Before you think this is some passive-aggressive way to get your way, think again. It’s a quite powerful psychological device – and you can use it in a variety of ways.