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Pattern Interrupt: "You're Missing Something"

Chase Amante's picture
pattern interrupt missing somethingWhen a woman gets on a high horse, here’s an easy way to interrupt the pattern she’s in: point out to her that she’s missing something.

Pattern interrupts are useful tools.

They break people out of autopilot, snap them to attention, and force them to actually consider what you're saying. Without this, people may remain tuned out, reacting rather than considering, and it can be very hard to get them to do anything other than follow along with their preprogrammed behavior.

Lately I find myself using a "missing pieces" pattern interrupt increasingly often.

It's useful when dealing with opinionated people, people with their minds made up, or people attempting to lecture you about something.

In fact, the more certain someone is in his frame, the more the "missing pieces" argument interrupts his pattern.

It's therefore an almost unique tool in that the stronger the frame control of the individual you use it on, the better it is at disrupting his frame.

How's it work? Let me show you...

Fluff Talking with Girls (in a Productive Way)

Alek Rolstad's picture

By: Alek Rolstad

fluff talkMany guys make the mistake of asking lots of superficial questions without paying attention to what girls say.

Hey guys, and welcome back!

Today we will go over a basic technique: how to keep a conversation interesting and intriguing, garnering you bonus points. Becoming skilled at this will help you generate compliance with women.

Tactics Tuesdays: Naughty Interest Bait

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

naughty interest baitYou have something sexual you want to tell a girl or show her, but it’s inappropriate. How do you get around its impropriety? By baiting her into begging you to share it with her.

Want a simple little tactic you can use to bait girls into asking you things you couldn't/wouldn't normally be able to get away with in conversation?

Because there are some things that you really cannot just come out and drop on a girl, without it being too forward or out-of-place.

The solution, if you want to use a really forward compliment or bring up or show her something really sketchy is to lure her into asking you for it, pushing you for it, so that when you finally drop it on her, "she asked for it."

With a little good framing, this is not hard to do at all.

Note: while this tactic is simple, it requires a fair degree of calibration, and thus its use is a bit more advanced. So this will mostly be for intermediate and up guys (and really is for more advanced seducers).

Beginners may still find it interesting to read about, if purely for the psychology aspect.

Tactics Tuesdays: Reframing with Paradiastole

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

paradiastoleParadiastole is a technique for reframing criticism into trophies. That vice of yours? Hey, look on the bright side! At least it means you (something good). That’s paradiastole.

"You shouldn't say something like that to a woman!" a girl recently told me, half-tickled, half-irate. "It shows you have low EQ!"

"Well, least I'm honest," I said. "Just think how bad it'd be if I was low EQ and I wasn't honest!"

I use this kind of reframe a lot. There's a name for it: it's called 'paradiastole'.

(my EQ's pretty good, by the way)

Paradiastole is a way to reframe a criticism into something positive, in a playful and humorous way. It deflects the other person's judgment, often with a bit of moderate self-deprecation.

If you don't do this, or you don't do it enough, it's a handy little tactic you can add to your arsenal.

Tactics Tuesdays: How to Use Barriers to Make Girls Chase You

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

how to use barriersBarriers are a way to set up small 'walls' a woman must climb with you. In climbing these small walls, you can make a girl start to chase you.

The other day in my article on the click moment I mentioned the use of barriers.

Barriers are a tactic I've touched on only a bit before (in my article from long ago on being a challenge to women).

Today I want to go a lot more in-depth about this powerful technique.

If you're not using barriers, you're missing out on an outstanding tool to get the women you talk to chasing you.

So let's get you using them.

What to Tell a Girl to Get Her Interested in You

Allen Reyes's picture

By: Allen Reyes

what to tell a girlToo many guys mass approach instead of learning how to immerse particular girls. Use these tools to captivate her from the start.

As a beginner talking to girls, it’s a frantic scramble between a solid cold approach that works and getting her to interact with you for longer than sixty seconds. Hooking her means being able to run solid seduction skills on her at a relaxed pace while avoiding the dreaded: “Well, nice to meet you!”

In this article, I'm going to go over the structure for avoiding that “sixty seconds and you’re out of here” style of game for beginners.

For intermediates, I’m going to simplify the structure for getting her initially misdirected and intrigued to compliant.

For advanced guys who haven’t figured out a way to do this consistently, I’ll provide a better option than the hit-or-miss structure you’ve been using.

Don't Ask Women Stupid, Needy Questions

Chase Amante's picture
stupid questionsThere are these stupid, clueless, needy questions men ask women. Perhaps you've asked some yourself. Yet these questions are pure sabotage for your seductions.

This is really more for new guys than anyone else.

Though I have still sometimes seen intermediate guys making these mistakes too.

In school, you probably learned "There are no stupid questions."

Well, that might be true in school. However, in dating, it is not. Because when it comes to women, there are absolutely a lot of very stupid questions that you should not ask.

We're not talking about questions like "How old are you?" or "How many guys have you been with?" that various stern women claim men should "never ask a lady!" or that "don't matter!" on various feminist-leaning blogs or news sites around the web. Those questions are actually perfectly fine; I suggest you ask both regularly (the second works better after sex, though).

However, there exists a certain class of question that, when you ask from it, conveys a degree of neediness, uncertainty, and lack of leadership that repels women like oil does water.

These questions are the ones we can, for our purposes, safely dub stupid questions.

Tactics Tuesdays: Advanced Romantic Objection Handling with UNDER

Chase Amante's picture

By: Chase Amante

handle objectionsWhat should you do when a woman hits you with a strong objection? Do you give up? Let her go? Or could you… address that objection, in a strong, smart way?

Something a lot of guys are weak at is handling strong objections from women they like.

We can roughly break romantic objections down into several categories:

  1. Token: otherwise known as 'weak protests'. You can typically ignore these altogether, or handle them any number of ways. These aren't serious protests, and she's more or less swayed to your way of seeing things already. You bring her close to kiss her, for instance, and she weakly protests, "But I'll get lipstick on you..."

  2. Tentative: she might object; she isn't sure. She'll throw this objection out to see how you react. You're sneaking into somewhere off-limits with her, for example, and she whispers, "What if someone catches us?"

  3. Standard: your run-of-the-mill objection. Not necessarily super hard, but not something you can always easily just brush aside either. Think "I don't go to guys' places on the first date" or "Shouldn't you date women closer to your own age?" There are already many guides on Girls Chase to dealing with standard objections (I'll link them up a little below). These aren't the subject of this post.

  4. Strong: a firmly-held objection she's insistent on. You tell her, "Let's sit," and she says, "I told my friends I'd wait for them here." You invite her again and she just shakes her head and says, "I have to wait right here." You invite again and again she says, "I can't move from this spot, I promised I'd be here when they arrived." This kind of objection is our focus today.

  5. Absolute: she walks away or blocks you. Absolutely nothing you can do when she can't hear you anymore!

Token you don't have to worry about, unless you're the most tentative beginner ever.

Tentative is easy to overcome with any kind of playful response or halfway conviction: "No one'll catch us, don't worry," or, "If anyone catches us I'll beat him up. Come on."

And absolute objections, well, nothing you can do there. You're not omnipotent. Can't talk to women who aren't around you and you have no way to contact. Women like this are just gone.

Standard and strong objections are the ones that trip a lot of guys up.

In today's article, we'll talk about handling strong.

The Habit of Action – How ‘Active’ Men Attract Women

Cody Lyans's picture

By: Cody Lyans

habit of action attracts women
Women love men who step boldly forward in the face of uncertainty. An ‘active’ man can dig deeper into her truth, getting her to reveal more than she does to most men.

Back when I was struggling with women, I had a moment of crisis. I asked myself, “What am I even doing?” I broke down, ready to quit.

I was getting ready to head out one night, and the weight of everything hit me all at once. I had to grit my teeth and face the fact that what I was trying to accomplish might not be possible. I was an ordinary guy, and even ordinary guys have an absolute limit that my goals seemed to be beyond. Thoughts repeated in my head that it was impossible, unrealistic, and hurting me for no reason.

I was shaken, but I finished getting ready, strapped on my belt, tossed on my jacket, stepped into the wind outside, and traveled to the nightlife. I stoically persisted, with no reasoning, no decision, no plan, just one thing (or is it two?): a habit and a deep resolve forged from facing those struggles.

Keep Her Interest Piqued with Conversation Thread Slicing

Alek Rolstad's picture

conversation thread slicing
Thread slicing is a conversation technique that keeps women intrigued and invested in a conversation with you. It’s also useful with fractionation and creating anchors.

Hey guys, and welcome back. Today I will share a conversation management technique I use that will add more control over your interactions.

Do you struggle with running out of things to say? Or keeping your conversations fresh and exciting throughout the interaction?

Maybe you have experienced state crash and would love to know another technique to deal with it?

If you answer yes to at least one of those questions, this post is for you.

Today we’ll cover thread slicing (not to be confused with thread cutting). It’s a simple yet efficient technique to use in any interaction, no matter where you are. This technique is not particularly advanced or hard to understand and not difficult to pull off.

This post is suited for beginners and intermediates since they will get the most benefit. However, it may be useful for more advanced players, though they most likely do this technique unconsciously. Becoming aware of what they do correctly may help them fine-tune their skills and use it more often and more consciously.