If you want a loyal, passionate girlfriend, find yourself an alpha female. Or if you want to snag a hottie from a group, you best know how to appease her alpha friend.
An alpha female is a woman in charge of her female group or a group of men AND women. She doesn’t need to be a socialite who is always playing mother hen. Alpha females are not necessarily bitches or mean, controlling women.
You can be in control of yourself and those around you without being "controlling."
We know this about alpha males. They aren’t always the caricature meathead or tyrannical character we imagine when you hear “alpha male.” The best alpha male is very kind, loving, and compassionate. However, alpha males will step up and take charge when they need or want to. In relationships, they are leaders; and in their social circles, they are often leaders as well.
Alpha females are also leaders, usually of their female groups. Some alpha females can also lead men in their social circles, even if it’s from the back. This happens because most women are more refined than most men with their social skills, charisma, and sexuality. Most men are guys, not men. They have penises and play the part of a man, but when it matters, they are eunuchs. They will go full simp and submit to her rule.
Like an alpha male, an alpha female can be the alpha in one scenario and not the alpha in another (e.g., with a different group), as you would need to be an omnipotent god to be the alpha in all scenarios.
If women are alphas, they have certain characteristics. You can tell in which contexts and groups they are considered alphas. There are alpha characteristics and alpha signals to look for in groups. I will cover both.
Why should you care if she is an alpha female? Don’t we want women who will submit to us?
Yes, we want women to submit, but we may not always want submissive women. There is a distinction.
As long as they are absent of toxic traits and aren’t so aggressive or ambitious that they are essentially men, alpha females make the best girlfriends. And they are usually the most interesting women out there.