Women use subtle ways to express their interest. Keep an eye out for these 11 signs though, and women's subtle signals become clear as day.
1. Hovering
2. Voice Throwing
3. Brief Touches
4. Eyebrow Flashes
5. Lordotic Posture
6. Limb Displays
7. "Oh Sorry"
8. Doe Eyes
9. Head Tilting
10. Lip Parts or Licks
11. Laugh/Smile Shrugging
12. She Shows Interest: What to Do
Women express interest in men in all sorts of subtle ways. Much of the time, you may not even pick up on the signs... or you may have a vague sense she's interested, but not be sure.
It's a common thing for a guy to think maybe a girl's interested, but actually you're not sure, so you let her go... only to realize later on that, yep, she was definitely interested -- and you missed your shot.
In the list below, we'll lay out 11 of the more subtle ways women use to express interest in you. Once armed with these, you won't have to wonder if "maybe she is." You'll know when you've spotted one of the signs -- and can proceed with her accordingly.
Let's start with #1.