You should never wait for a girl to make a move toward sex. That’s your job. These two move-making strategies will help you get the job done in most situations.
Should I pull the trigger? Should I make a move?
It’s a hard question. A question anyone in the field asks themselves often about girls – particularly if the girl is cute and the interaction seems to be going the right way.
So, what do I mean by pulling the trigger? It is making a direct move to push the interaction toward intimacy and sex. That big step depends on the situation, the girl, and you.
Making a move could mean:
- Asking her to go somewhere with you
- Escalating physically
- Going for the kiss
- Asking her to go home with you
- Escalating to sex
No matter which one you are dealing with, it can be the gateway to the next level in your interaction.
If you fail to make a move, you will likely not get the girl. Reread this, because it is important:
“If you do not make a move, you will not get the girl.”
If you don’t make a move, three things will happen:
If you are lucky, the interaction goes stale – not forward but at least not backward
If you are unlucky, she will get bored or think you are weak and lose attraction for you
If you are very unlucky, she will bail and hook up with another guy. If your night truly is crap, she will do it in front of your face. But if it makes you feel any better, let me tell you that this happens to all of us
Now let's get to the finer points.